How are you feeling?

^sorry you had a rough day.Hope you feel better :)

awh thanks love :')
I'm just annoyed I lost out on £2. It doesn't sound like a lot but... money is precious to me, I can't exactly work yet can I? haha
I was saving for something too :/
I like looking older most of the time can get annoying.


Well-known member
I was charged for an adult ticket at the cinema today! They wouldn't believe that I was a child, so I was made to pay the price of the ticket for someone 16+
Wtff, a lot of the time it feels good to look older, this is the one disadvantage though. They said I couldn't go into see the film (which was a 12,I told them I was 13) so I had to pay the £2 extra to get in.

That's what I get for leaving my ID at home. I told them I was born in 97, they wouldn't believe me.

Arghh, I just lost out on £2 because I'm so stupid I forgot my ID :(

Although I think I'd rather look older than my age than younger, people just treat you differently. You get male attention (haha), people treat you more like an equal and I'm respected. Don't worry, I know I know, once I get to 30 I'll want to look younger. But I know how to reverse that ;)
^ Well, it sucks you were charged as an adult, but honestly I would kill to look years older. I hate looking like a kid. >.> I'm 18 and people always think I'm 14/15, sometimes younger. Damn these young genes. I'll only be grateful for them when I'm about 60 or so. ;)
awh thanks love :')
I'm just annoyed I lost out on £2. It doesn't sound like a lot but... money is precious to me, I can't exactly work yet can I? haha
I was saving for something too :/
I like looking older most of the time can get annoying.

Money is precious for me too,specially if I'm saving for something. It sucks that you got charged for looking older though :(
Haha, I wasn't even wearing makeup or anything. I was just there...looking like a tramp in my jeans and hoodie, I still look like an old woman :') lmfao

Don't worry, I'd say once I get to maybe.....35? I will envy your youthfulness ;) haha, but I know how to stay looking younger, I've got tips from people. They do work, suprisingly... haha :3
I was thinking,as well as my face looking older, I don't have a 13 year old girl's body...but I don't see how that would work when I'm covered up and stuff in my tramp clothes :')
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Pissed off AGAIN. That is the last time I am going to the supermarket with my mother. She just....just....ARGH. Anytime a guy even looks at me she's like all up in his business. 'Do you know how old my daughter is? She's only 13, that makes you a paedophile!'
WHAT THE ACTUAL ****. This happened yesterday too, except yesterday it was funny.
And I'm not....trying to sound vain and shallow here, but I get looks from guys (or I seem to a lot recently) and she's always there, giving these guys dirty looks, starting arguments with them. It's so embarrassing.
Just...oh my god. And then we get home and she starts on me, saying I dress like a slut and no wonder guys are always flirting with me. WHAT. I'm sorry, what the **** is your problem? I certainly don't dress like a slut. Since when is a vest and jeans slutty... it's like 25 degrees outside, it's HOT. Leave me alone, good god.
So now I'm up in my room. Alone. And quite depressed....and anxious. I never considered myself a slut, it's hot outside, I see girls wearing a lot less than me... Ugh, I'm ranting again. Jesus.
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Me, too. :) Also, I went to a resale clothing store. I bought a shirt that was $5.45, I think. I paid with a $10 and the lady gave me back $5.55. I saw her doing it and wanted to tell her that she was giving me back an extra buck, but I got too nervous and just pretended like I wasn't paying attention. Now I feel bad. ::(:
Me, too. :) Also, I went to a resale clothing store. I bought a shirt that was $5.45, I think. I paid with a $10 and the lady gave me back $5.55. I saw her doing it and wanted to tell her that she was giving me back an extra buck, but I got too nervous and just pretended like I wasn't paying attention. Now I feel bad. ::(:

Don't. It's only a dollar.
If you feel bad, just...give it to charity :)

Or give it to meeee, I'd probably only get like 60p cause of the exchange rate, but still :3
I have really bad stomach cramps...which can only mean one thing. It's weird, it's not meant to be until next week. Sorry if I'm freaking anyone out, haha.

It's kind of depressing. It's dark here already at 7pm :/


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Feeling quite depressed and isolated right now. Overwhelmed. ::(: Like I've got no-one to talk to - in real life, anyway.

I guess I'll try to take my mind off things for a moment - back to the comedy DVD boxsets.
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