You'd feel better, trust me, if you'd tell me what "arsenalwa" means
Yes, feel better, indeed.
You'd feel better, trust me, if you'd tell me what "arsenalwa" means
You'd feel better, trust me, if you'd tell me what "arsenalwa" means
Arsenal is the English football club. The wa part is acronym for something totally unrelated and rather stupid, so... ::
Arsenal is the English football club. The wa part is acronym for something totally unrelated and rather stupid, so... ::
I was on right track, GOOGLE. What's WA?
Holy ****!! I'll just stick with "waah"
the ground is moving like waves in the ocean. I am walking on waterrrrrrr. this is how you feel if your this ****ed up as I am. hahahahahahaha blehhhhh
no, not drunk...guess again, no i take that back don't
trust me, you'll never guess right
What's tomorrow?
I have to face a lot of fears (today) by trying to get my University application form and submitting it. Pretty mundane for most people, terrifying for me.
I'm sliding into a bout of depression. There is too much STUFF happening and my head is a mess. Its time to get thoughts onto paper, sort them and analyse.