How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I use to complain when there wasn't any food.
I just hate when there is some (sometimes) I don't feel like eating.
I haven't really eaten much last few days. Well, probably for a whole week.
No.. since maybe last Wednesday.


Well-known member
I feel exactly the same Aimee, lots of problems (well mine are more like frustrations than full blown problems at the moment) and I just don't know where to begin. Well exactly the same apart from the Eastenders part anyway ::p: (What will happen to Ben!?!)

Ohh ohh, we shall not talk unless you admit that eastenders is the best soap around. ::p: hehe.


Well-known member
I feel pretty bad at the moment... Lonely, worried, embarrassed, and confused. Not the best combination. Also feel as if things just keep repeating themselves, more or less.


You let someone close to you and they turn your insecurities to reality, how do you even recover from that... mini panic attacks are not cool. Thanks, I feel even ****tier than I did before I found this site. *facepalm*



I´ve been feeling so horrible, I feel always horrible but today it´s somehow unbearable. I am translating a book but can´t concentrate on it, I am trying to but I feel so frustrated, something keeps telling me to get out of here right now, but my mind is telling me to calm down, concentrate and do my work. I couldn't take it anymore so I burst into tears. I think I am going insane, I read the text million times over but don't know what it´s about, my concentration is totally gone. I thought I could earn some money now with translating when I don't have anything else but if it´s like this every day, I won't earn even enough to buy a salt water. It's like this always, in any employment. I just find myself totally impossible and can't cope even with the most simple ridiculous tasks. I always set myself some plan but don't have the ability to pull it through. If I didn't have this place by my parents, I would long be living somewhere under a bridge. If I can't cope even with this homework, how can I cope with something else, damn??
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there is something rly bothering me, but i cant figure out what it is.. and it's killing me and im terrified of the future, every single day :/


Well-known member
feeling so drained, mentally and physically.. sitting at the computer to see if posting and talking to a few ppl will prevent me from falling asleep


Its so f'ed up, I'm getting subtle panic attacks just coming here... I hate people... I really do. You try to help someone and you come out even more f'ed up than before, I don't know if they realize this but its hard to "get over" things when your f'ing nightmare comes true... So if its easier to pretend like nothing has happen, then good!

Damn...=_=; Making them feel bad won't serve no purpose... Its so f'ing unfair...
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