How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Going on day two of being unable too sleep. Visualized the most peaceful thing I could thing of to calm me nothing happened. Exercised myself into an exhausted somewhat nauseous state felt like I could go right to sleep, after two and a half hours I gave up and just started listening to music. I'm feeling annoyed, pissed off, confused, haunted (literally I think this place is haunted I know at least one person died here and too much weird sh*t happens for it not to be), exhausted, sleep deprived and deranged all in one.

(That must be hard. Maybe taking a bath may help. I also find reading to be helpful. But read something soothing, or something that you can relate to. I read my journal from time to time.)

As for me, I'm feeling ok. : |
I'm feeling happy :) Tommorow is my mom's B-DAY :) and i missed my family alot.. so im glad i can see them all , although its hard with social anxiety but i am very happy to see them all again ^^ ( i been in a mental hospital so..)
this weekend i stay home till sunday... yesterday my weekend started
so its really relaxing :)
^ Glad you're feeling better, Girlie.

Some of my old habits have returned. Joy. Maybe there just isn't any sense in trying to modify certain aspects of me.


Well-known member
Excited, I'm going to my first spinal surgery today :D

I hope you are not the one needing it,jk lame one at that :D,I am actually actually happy when I hear people persuing their dreams or career,I always wonder when it will be my time......


I miss someone soo much all the time. I have such a weak big soft squiggy actually hurts missing her. I wonder if others have the same kind of heart as me. I sometimes question whether my heart is rare. :)


Well-known member
Was feeling pretty sad when walking home, but I'm glad I'm left with the last day to serve my notice period at work so I'm free.


Well-known member
Had a rough day today, no compassion for me. It's weekend now but I gotta work for school this weekend and I'm going to my dad where I can't do that. So sunday is going to be a busy day ...


Chained's spelling might not always be spot on,but seeing as she learnt it from just watching tv,I think that's pretty kick ass.


Well-known member
Haha, funny because you meant “chatear” as “to chat with” (I guess?). In spanish this might mean to have a chat with someone, but in portuguese it means to bother someone ( just thought it was curious ::eek::)

Just like "molestar" means to bother. But in English... well just look at the word.