How are you feeling?

I am depressed and exhausted, how the hell do ppl expect me to study in one of the hardest schools in the country when i can barely get out of bed.. :/
and i know being depressed is just a waste of time.. i should get my ass up and study, what i have been doing for 4 days in a row :/ damnitz!!!!!!!!


Well-known member

Step-daughter due to give birth any time...will be first grandson. I get to have a boy to teach how to fight!!! :)

Every time the phone rings I get excited, then let down when it's someone else.


Well-known member
I guess i feel good, which is surprising as i've only had 4 hours sleep in 24hrs.
I feel really happy and giddy, so maybe this week will be a good one, im learning to deal without my ex bf and surprisingly i seem to be getting over him :D

GO ME!!!!


Well-known member
I know I don't do much with my life.
Upset just being I'm not actually "chatting" with someone... because I have nothing to say. And they aren't saying anything. And we were "chatting" for hours already :/


Well-known member
So up until now I have been doing wonderfully with handling my SA. Seldom are there days when it comes back with a vengeance but today was one of them. I had a graduation to attend at my school, a friend of mine and upon thinking of all the people I would be seeing when I got there, people I also went to school with made me super anxious. I got cold sweats, heart racing and pounding like a drum. I forgot what it was like almost to feel that way, to start doubting my self worth again and confidence in myself I had worked so hard to achieve. I was afraid to get there and see all those faces of people I knew, staring at me and thinking how awful I looked and why I was acting so strange.

But then I got there and I put a smile on my face though I was so freakin' scared and greeted everyone who came up to me. I realized that I built it up to be so bad in my head but it wasn't. It was comfortable, I had every right to enjoy myself and the people who knew me before remarked on how wonderful I looked, how happy and bright I was compared to a year before when I barely talked with anyone. I think it was a win for me :)


I wanted to throw in a thank you to you all for helping me to get here :]
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Well-known member
I am depressed and exhausted, how the hell do ppl expect me to study in one of the hardest schools in the country when i can barely get out of bed.. :/
and i know being depressed is just a waste of time.. i should get my ass up and study, what i have been doing for 4 days in a row :/ damnitz!!!!!!!!

Aww that sucks.. You need a day off!
Curious. I swear my speech was not that bad a few years ago. Now it's all slurred and unintelligible whenever I don't make an effort to speak properly.

I think it's because I barely speak to anyone anymore. I could literally go for weeks on end without uttering a word.

I feel like an imposter in my own skin. I hate being probed and asked to provide answers as to who I am and why I am this way, because I usually don't have adequate explanations (immediately at that moment). I dread these periodic meetings with these counselors. I know they're only trying to help, but face-to-face interaction just gives me the creeps and freezes my mind.
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Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
I feel like an imposter in my own skin. I hate being probed and asked to provide answers as to who I am and why I am this way, because I usually don't have adequate explanations. I dread these periodic meetings with these counselors. I know they're only trying to help, but face-to-face interaction just gives me the creeps and freezes my mind.

its frustrating when you see professionals like that who ask so many more questions than they ever answer. if you say i dont know too much, then its like you're not cooperating. but you cant make up answers either. i guess you have to trust that they can help and know what they're doing.
I am doing alright at the moment, but I am starting to fall back into my sleeping most of the day and staying up most of the night. So far it hasnt messed with class to much, but it might. And I am freaking out already about the rest of the year. I am here at college year around this time, and this fall, I will have like 3 classes + a day, I am doing alright with the 1 a day for summer, but the fall will be really hard. And I still have like 2+ years of this, it would be 1.5 years if I did like 5 classes a term but even then it wouldn't. I found out one of the classes I need in the new major I am switching to is only offered every 2 years, and it was just offered, so I have to wait 2 years to take it, I mean come on.
if the new stupid bosnian teacher doesnt give me an A.. im gonna.. grrr :p because i barely made myself revise 15 pages and am barely making myself go to school!
scareeeeeeed :/
damn meds that take away my concentration!


Well-known member
Nervous ... I heard today that I gotta do a presentation of my idol of 15 mins .... 7th next month ....