How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Extremely depressed. I'm sitting here going through a bottle of crown royal whiskey after taking Xanax. Anything just to numb the pain of being me. I wish I could have a good cry... but I'm too numb to even have enough emotions to muster tears.


Well-known member
I am so sorry you guys have to go through this. Right now I'm struggling to find something that sounds right but nothing seems to. All I can offer you is a hug and sincere smile. Please whatever happens just don't give up on yourselves..EVER.


Well-known member
In a little shock after experiencing my first earthquake a couple of hours ago but I'm fine. It only lasted a couple of seconds.
Not good. Two papers to give (oral presentation style) in the next week. Can't stop thinking about them, but i'm not doing the work i need to do to prepare them. The thought that "i just won't do them" is dominating my brain, but at the same time i know i simply have to do them. I'm pretty sure i'm going to do them, but my body and brain feel like they've shut down. Last few days, i just sit for ages... chest feels like it weighs a tonne, pulling me down. Can't sleep during the night, so i'm tired/sick during the day. Hmmmmmmm.


Well-known member
A little better today. I pushed myself into something which I had planned to avoid and although it didn't go perfectly, I'm glad that I didn't avoid it.
Decent enough. Got a history paper to write for somebody else for $ and a SA book to read, but I got a good nights worth of sleep, so I'm ready to go.


Well-known member
Third day in a row taking Helex even when I'm going to it's not good definitelly. Ok..good thing is that tonight is my last shift till summer so..weee holiday starts tomorrow. Just hope that it wouldn't be wasted and that I will finally do some stuff to make me better..
Third day in a row taking Helex even when I'm going to it's not good definitelly. Ok..good thing is that tonight is my last shift till summer so..weee holiday starts tomorrow. Just hope that it wouldn't be wasted and that I will finally do some stuff to make me better..

I hope you enjoy your time off, Blue ;) Try to make this summer a memorable one, but be good!
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Becoming acclimated to this group home and adjusting to the varying personalities, which is very difficult. Eating chocolate and staring out of the window. I had a meeting with a counselor earlier, and perhaps that went fairly well. They want my company during a group walk later around the block... I don't know about that, they're pushing their luck.