How are you feeling?


Well-known member
PM me :D

Oh I like chocolates as a present ;)

I was wondering the same myself since I don't have my Rush avatar up anymore. I'll be sure to send those chocolates, what kind did you say you liked? ::p:

( GROW A BRAIN, reason is simple )


I'm feeling okay strangely enough,I've been feeling so down and depressed recently but I woke up today feeling refreshed and a bit more positive.I'm going to try and make the most of it and get myself out tomorrow while it lasts :)


Well-known member
I'm feeling okay strangely enough,I've been feeling so down and depressed recently but I woke up today feeling refreshed and a bit more positive.I'm going to try and make the most of it and get myself out tomorrow while it lasts :)

Sounds good


things have gone from bad to even worse, im supposed to be feeding wallace and moocher, but i dont know where the fkn keys are, i cant even get out the house
*focusing on finding keys, and feeding cats*
things have gone from bad to even worse, im supposed to be feeding wallace and moocher, but i dont know where the fkn keys are, i cant even get out the house
*focusing on finding keys, and feeding cats*

Take a deep breath and sit down for 1 minute. I find this helps me to calm my mind down when i get frustrated because i can't find something. Then i can start looking again with a clearer mind.:)