How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I was feeling really good, i was out and about tonight and everything seemed ok then out of nowhere i had a mahoosive panic attack and made a complete fool of myself!


I was feeling really good, i was out and about tonight and everything seemed ok then out of nowhere i had a mahoosive panic attack and made a complete fool of myself!

Aww,well for a start I promise you didnt make a fool out of yourself,thing always seem ten times worse in our own heads than they actually were :) Even if you did,who doesn't make a fool out of themselves now and again,it's human nature.

And you managed to go out which is great,don't ignore the positives!


Well-known member
Aww,well for a start I promise you didnt make a fool out of yourself,thing always seem ten times worse in our own heads than they actually were :) Even if you did,who doesn't make a fool out of themselves now and again,it's human nature.

And you managed to go out which is great,don't ignore the positives!

Thanks, that actually made me feel a bit better :)

I thought i could handle being out, but tonight it was just so busy everywhere it did my head in! But you're right at least i got my ass out of the house, that's a darn good thing :cool:
Another Friday night spent inside because my parents are non trusting *******s :mad: I can't freakin wait to move out and go to college!


Well-known member
:( Friday... he's probably alone right now. but Im too scared to ask for anything :(
I would probably be rejected anyways. Maybe hes with someone else... someone that talks.


Well-known member
I was feeling really good, i was out and about tonight and everything seemed ok then out of nowhere i had a mahoosive panic attack and made a complete fool of myself!

Aww, don't let the panic attack make you forget about how good you felt tonight paula! you doing really great getting out and i'm super duper proud of you. :)

Another Friday night spent inside because my parents are non trusting *******s :mad: I can't freakin wait to move out and go to college!

I hear ya! I can't wait to move out too lol!


Well-known member
Aww, don't let the panic attack make you forget about how good you felt tonight paula! you doing really great getting out and i'm super duper proud of you. :)

Awww thankies Aimee, I did feel like a total loon after i ran out, only because i ran away rom someone in particular, but i texted him and he seems ok about it :cool:


Well-known member
Suppose to get drunk for the first time, but no one is picking me up... oh well
i really don't care...
just trying to be social.
I feel terrible, i doubted one of my good friends last night and it's made me feel really bad

aw Paula, sometimes we need to remind ourselves that everyone makes mistakes!:) If you get a chance to explain to them why it happened, they should understand if they are a true friend.


Well-known member
aw Paula, sometimes we need to remind ourselves that everyone makes mistakes!:) If you get a chance to explain to them why it happened, they should understand if they are a true friend.

Thanks Mandy, i just seem to make mistakes all the time, i'll try and make amends when i talk to them next :)
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