How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I'm a bit better now, just showered. But I still have to go to school tomorrow.:mad: And just after vacations it's always the worst, I'll get multiple exercises like performing a conversation or present a presentation. But first I get a lot of comment because I don't have a life.:D:mad::mad:


Well-known member
I went on a walk after going to the mall (extra walk). I lost $9. Yes NINE DOLLARS. I was going to go to the store on my way back to buy some snacks or whatever. But it must have fell out when I kept messing with my iPod. And I don't blame my iPod :(


Suddenly very sad. They should make an operation available that can rid you completely of emotion if you want. They're not worth it imo.


Well-known member
Feeling really bad all of a sudden. I think I'm really close to going crazy and pass the point of no-return when it comes to SA.


Well-known member
Horrific. Worthless. Losing the ability to stay optimistic. Seeing the future as incredibly bleak. Tired.


Well-known member
I feel really crappy right now. ::(:

My friend invited 8 people over her house yesterday and when she found out only me, and two guys can make it she cancelled it because in her words there would be 'no point'. :confused: Then she decided to go ahead with it and i text back saying dont worry we will have fun and she text back saying 'hopefully'. This really made me feel like poop, am i really that boring to hang around with? ::(: I wanted to cancel cause from that moment i felt useless. I went ahead anyway because i didnt want to be another person who let her down. Anyway another friend turned up so she spent most of the evening talking to her, ignoring me, and talking to the two guys.

I feel like such a useless friend. I don't know what i'm doing wrong. I've always been there for her, yet i feel like she treats me as just someone to fill up some space in the room. ::(:

Aimee, try not to let it get to you. There are no doubt a lot of people who would be very happy to hang out with just you, including your friends on here.

I've had similar things happen, arranging to go places and people dropping out. Then friends saying pretty much the same thing, there being no point without them. So know you're not the only one.

Focus on the positives that you went through with it even though you felt that way, that was strong of you. I'd also say you should tell your friend how it made you feel, if she's a good friend then she should understand -- and appologize.



I think i'm possess or something; cause I'm losing it!



I think i'm possess or something; cause I'm losing it!

Good thing I got the local Exorcist on speed dial. :p


Well-known member
Ugh I feel horrrrrrible. I've had a string of migraines yesterday and today. I get the ones with the aura so I can't see. And then once it clears up, it comes back again a few hours later. I don't know why it's so bad all of a sudden.

My head is killing me and I feel like I'm gonna hurl.


Well-known member
Ugh I feel horrrrrrible. I've had a string of migraines yesterday and today. I get the ones with the aura so I can't see. And then once it clears up, it comes back again a few hours later. I don't know why it's so bad all of a sudden.

My head is killing me and I feel like I'm gonna hurl.

I get those, they're horrible.

I've been lucky enough to catch them early for the past few times. As soon as I start seeing a few speckles I take a few paracetamol.

My tip for it is: wear a bandanna, wrap it as tight as possible around your head. Really tight. It does help.

...That's if you can see this.

Hope you get better soon.


Well-known member
I feel so stupid. I never really struggled in school (maybe my last year, damn SA). I can't believe it SA has really done this to me.


Well-known member
I feel good, i had a really brilliant day, i went out to meet someone for lunch and i haven't stopped smiling since hehe ::eek::