How are you feeling?


just regained some kind of consciousness again

i cant remember much about last night but im sure that there was lightbulbs in all the rooms in ma hoose, i crawled around in the dark looking for stuff but i couldnt find anything
the fridge still works though :)
the only light ive got is this monitor and a flashing smoke detector thingy (which isnt gony remain there much longer if it keeps getting on ma fkn nerves)

looking forward to nick drake night on bbc 4 at 9pm (if i can find my fkn television)

and i dont know if im online or offline cause i was messing around with that user cp thing at some point i think


Pretty sad, I had 2 weeks vacantion but that's all over now.:mad: Just a week-end and it's back to school !:mad::mad::mad:

the joys of life eh! no wonder your mad

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Well-known member
I've been insanely tired today but I think I'm going to have myself a nap and then I'm out for drinks and the 420 tour at the local bar downtown. Should be an interesting night :)


Well-known member
Wow, had a pretty cool day! Went out down some park and animal centre with my mum, neice and nephew and i managed my anxiety pretty well considering it was packed! Then in the evening i went to see my dad. I've liked today. I've enjoyed being busy and having something to do, i've enjoyed the sunshine too. :) I've been in one of them 'wow, i love life' moods today. I bet tomorrow i'm gonna be in a 'wow, i hate life' moods hehe. ::p:
The past 3 weeks ive felt so sh*t, more nervous than usuall and the adrenalin i can't control

Being thrown out of a plane with no parachute, take that feeling.........thats how i feel even if im just sat down

i've kinda felt the same way this week as well. i'm so pissed that the guy i would spend my life with thinks of me as his little sister sometimes sometimes*, and he thinks that instead of actually loving him, i just want to be with him cuz i need someone to talk to cuz i don't talk to anyone--i'm here cuz i think i do have SAD but i havent been diagnosed--and i'm lonely and needy. i think i am needy and lonely but that's not why i want to have his babies--wat u think u think that's why i want him?


Well-known member
the joys of life eh! no wonder your mad

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Euh huh ??


Well-known member
i feeling ok cos im driving down to cornwall to see my kids in a while .... long drive i think ill get a red bull .......


Well-known member
Its soooooooo hot outside! what happened to the usual april showers? Anyways i shouldn't be complaining it's BEAUTIFUL outside. :) I feel happy!

I'm off out to see some friends later i'm pretty nervous but gonna buy some alcohol i think so that'll calm the nerves lol! :D


Well-known member
It's been a weird sort of day. Everything seems ok on the surface, but I do feel a certain sense of dread, but I'm not sure why.
its like everything i believed in has been shoken.. and those beliefs were the only thing keeping me going..
I cant get a hold of my doctor..
iunno why i havent gotten any anxiety attacks..its like im not willing to shake those beliefes, which are prolly wrong, but if i shake them off, im a goner.. so i guess those are the defense mechansims poping in..
i think im going to become suicidal if i find out this is true :/


Well-known member
Actually I meant it as something being a source of inspiration or incentive. But your meaning is still correct although not in this current context of mine:D.

Thanks for the well wishes.:)


Well-known member
Went out and enjoyed the weather, but I still feel bad because I want to spend this day with someone, a certain person...