Well, things seem to be improving for me. Ma older sister finally saw sense n' took that flat the housing department offered, despite the minging, rank wallpaper. Apparently, she going to redecorate.
Yay! A sensible decision- normally I'm more to prone to making those Though, I'm still pissed off that my mother insists on
"helping" her, at the expense of getting things back to a regular routine at home. Ah don't say that outta jealousy, ah just hate how I'm made to compromise, and change my daily routine just to keep my mother and older sister happy. :thumbdown:
But then ye cannae go against the wishes of the middle child - the thirty-something teenager. :no:
"I want, therefore I must have" would be an apt motto for her.
Oh, and I'm equally as pissed off that me telling my mother to stop complaining to me, somehow, makes me an uncaring person.
mg: But wouldn't you get irritated by someone ye love constantly being negative n' feeling sorry for themselves all the time? :kickingmyself: Things might change once I move out? But I won't know for sure until that day comes.