How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Wonderful :)

We've got a family reunion tomorrow and I'll be out tonight since I'm finally feeling better. It helps that it feels amazing outside.


Well-known member
Wonderful :)

We've got a family reunion tomorrow and I'll be out tonight since I'm finally feeling better. It helps that it feels amazing outside.

That's brilliant Krista, i like hearing you sounding positive like that :D

I'm a happy bunny as well, had a really good night, it wasn't half as bad as i thought it would be lol
I feel Yuk!::(: I HAVE to go grocery shopping today, because I can't put it off any longer::(: I HATE grocery shopping when I am feeling really down, it just amplifies all the bad feelings!
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Well-known member
I feel Yuk!::(: I HAVE to go grocery shopping today, because I can't put it off any longer::(: I HATE grocery shopping when I am feeling really down, it just amplifies all the bad feelings!

Urgh, i know how you feel, i hate having to go to the supermarket they're just so busy and loud i hate it. What i usually do is put my ipod on as loud as it goes and try to blank out everything but the list i'm holding!


Well-known member
sleepy tired , wish my gf was here ::eek:: i do miss her sometimes ::eek:: but then hey come on gazza at least shes out there , :) in ireland somewere :confused:
Urgh, i know how you feel, i hate having to go to the supermarket they're just so busy and loud i hate it. What i usually do is put my ipod on as loud as it goes and try to blank out everything but the list i'm holding!

That is a great idea Paula! Now I just have to go out and buy one::eek::
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Well-known member
sleepy tired , wish my gf was here ::eek:: i do miss her sometimes ::eek:: but then hey come on gazza at least shes out there , :) in ireland somewere :confused:

Go to bed Gazza, maybe you will dream about your gf and just for the night you can be together again in your dreams


Well-known member
It is just imposible..I can't back 'into life''s too late..and it's time to admit that to myself..there are too many things involved.. the past is suffocating me..
all the years I've lost in that f**king anxiety. People around me don't care even a little bit how I'm phone is ringing every day less..I'm all alone in this s..t.. The one thing that might help a little is to move faaar away from this town and people that I don't like and start all over again..but I can't do that at the moment..I sent some jobs aplies in other towns but nothing..


Well-known member
It is just imposible..I can't back 'into life''s too late..and it's time to admit that to myself..there are too many things involved.. the past is suffocating me..
all the years I've lost in that f**king anxiety. People around me don't care even a little bit how I'm phone is ringing every day less..I'm all alone in this s..t.. The one thing that might help a little is to move faaar away from this town and people that I don't like and start all over again..but I can't do that at the moment..I sent some jobs aplies in other towns but nothing..

just keep job hunting blue , you will get 1 in the end ;) just ride through the sh.t storm as i like to say ..........
I'm feeling ok. I'm really moody, first I felt really annoyed, after that I was smiling and laughing, and a few minutes later i feel just OKAY.
Only that in an half hour.. I'm a rollercoaster full of emotions u could say o_O
But anyways, today i'm going to celebrate my birthday with my family,
We're going to karaoke :) That's really fun ^_^
I'm feeling ok. I'm really moody, first I felt really annoyed, after that I was smiling and laughing, and a few minutes later i feel just OKAY.
Only that in an half hour.. I'm a rollercoaster full of emotions u could say o_O
But anyways, today i'm going to celebrate my birthday with my family,
We're going to karaoke :) That's really fun ^_^

Happy Saskia!!!!
see, u can loose urself for moments.. that is very good.. like karaoke.. hope u have fun! :)
Happy Saskia!!!!
see, u can loose urself for moments.. that is very good.. like karaoke.. hope u have fun! :)

Thank you dear ::eek::
Yeah, it's a good distraction for me, Wish I could karaoke every weekend lol :D
yeah it's gonna be fun, i'm just a little anxious because there gonna be lots of people.. And they will ask me.. So Sas.. are you still in college blah blah.
And are you gonna give a big party ? ( 14 april I'm gonna turn 18)
and I'm not in college, and I don't think i'm ready to give a party.
But I think i'd just say.. Well Who knows! :D Just to avoid the questions :p


Well-known member
well im going out on my bike along the sea front .... ill probably stop at a little cafe , and get my usual cup of tea ...... how exciting , how domesticated , isnt life just so flipping great :rolleyes:


Well-known member
well im going out on my bike along the sea front .... ill probably stop at a little cafe , and get my usual cup of tea ...... how exciting , how domesticated , isnt life just so flipping great :rolleyes:

That sounds like a lovely day to me, i'd love to live near to the beach so i could just pop down and watch the waves and stuff!