How are you feeling?


Well-known member
You also went shopping? Cool! :D More have that idea I see today :D
Did you bought something fun? :)

No, actually it was work related, so no shopping for me. I can never understand how females shop though. Like my mum and sister, they go into a store and spend a long time there, and come out with nothing!!!!

I did buy a very yummy ice cream though.:)


Active member
I'm feeling rather drunk. Asked my Dad for a coffee, that was a plus as he likes to brew his own. I love my Dad but I think he's a bit hesitant about my condition.

Went out with friends to dinner and town to celebtate his birthday, had many a beer. Too drunk to know where I am.


Well-known member
well today iv been mountain bikin , then weight lifting , now i was going to watch clash of the titans tonight at the cinima , but its on to late , so now im board , do i get some beers in to numb being board , and just stay on here for hours ... what to do what to do ......


Well-known member
I feel something strange. I'm really happyyyyyyyyy sorta, I don't know what it is. A mixture of things. Just got news that my brother and his wife had their baby! I feel love for him and I haven't even met him. I feel concern and a strange curiosity for some new person in the world!


A bit better today,I think it's helped the weather has been really nice.I managed to get a lot done today and even though I had to fight with my motivation I feel better for doing it...I have just wrote a list of things to do over the next week so I can hopefully keep the momentum going :)


I need to do this. Make a list of things to be done. Maybe if I saw the list everyday it would help me with my procrastinating.

Yeah I'm really bad for putting things off.. I've never been an organised person,but at the same time not having things in control makes me more depressed and I get into a rut::(:

But I'm going to stick this list near my pc,as I spend such an unhealthy amount of time on it I will have to look at the lost a lot lol,And I will try and do one major thing off it a day at least.


Well-known member
im feeling like a wanna listen to hard core rave whooooo go grandad go show us your moves ::p:


Well-known member
I'm not invited this time, or what?

look this is silly :confused: were obviously in love , lets meet up get married and run away with each other :eek: your place or mine , but keep it to yourself :mad: i dont want the whole of the spw forum knowing about it , some things are private :cool:
look this is silly :confused: were obviously in love , lets meet up get married and run away with each other :eek: your place or mine , but keep it to yourself :mad: i dont want the whole of the spw forum knowing about it , some things are private

Too late for that! Way to spill the beans!:mad: