I feel i'll either get out into the world, start living, etc, or i shall do myself in. It just seems that those are my 2 sole options left, don't ask me why.
Now I have a new issue to deal with. I keep fearing that I am going to outlive my parents. This is seriously scaring the s**t out of me and I can't get over it. It's been about 2 weeks now that this started happening. As if I didn't have enough on my plate and now this.:kickingmyself:
Is it just me, or does life get harder as you get older? Sometimes the boredom is beyond words, and it's every day, and it never improves.
For my whole life, it has seemed that all "the good stuff" is only fantasy (tv, imagination, music, ..), and that reality is pure-and-simple just a huge bore.
That means they're not true friends, as they're all for #1.Why is it, ye do stuff for other folk, right? Out of yer ain free n' that, but they don't bother to do the same for you in return. C*%^$!![]()
That means they're not true friends, as they're all for #1.
Good point.Whoa! What does that say about my family? Cuz they're exactly like this, except when they know they cannae get away with treating me this way
Hello Brittney, welcome to the site.I'm new to this website stumbled upon it by accident actually, but decided to join as it's nice to know that there are other people out there who are struggling through life with some of the same thoughts and feelings I have and to have someone to talk to whose dealing with some of the same issues. I feel like most of the time I'm just in survival mode and not really living life. That I am like the walking dead and there's no point to my life. Like it's a mistake and i shouldn't be here. If given the choice to whether or not I ever existed I would choose to never have existed at all. The only reason I'm here is for my family and it's hard to wake up in the morning and keep running on the hamster wheel when it all feels so pointless. I wish I could give my life to someone who wants to be in this world, like my best friend who died of cancer, she should be here not me.
Not quite as bored today .. are reading some webpages on boredom. So that'll keep me occupied i guess, until i get bored with that. But i really think i need some more non-pc activities to fill in each day.
Sometimes i try to play along to neil young songs (the harmonica parts; & the guitar parts with guitar). Might have maybe play more often; put more effort into it; & learn more songs.:thinking: Something creative might help, you still interested in learning to play the harmonica? I know for me, huvin a guitar at hand keeps me occupied. Even if I'm not in the mood to play, I usually ended up playing a good hour, at least. And I normally ended with a new riff idea, by the end of that period.
Go for a walk, even. Or exercise is another good 'un... :idontknow: Though, that does require gittin' aff yer arse n' making the effort. And if ye can't be arsed, then ya just can't be arsed.