Yes, your mother - and women in general - should definitely not tar all men with the same brush. It is quite lazy to assume "all men are the same" when you have come across a few nasty ones.
Aye, but that's
"radical' feminism for ya. Y'know the thick as f*** kind. Not the let's respect each other and get along sorta equality. Instead of this daft idea that wimmin are far superior to men "Battle of the Sexes" pish that we see a lot of today in the media.
Sorry, just venting there... Wouldnae tae start a heated discussion oan that topic. Just givin' ma opinion. An if ye disagree with me then fair enough. Ah dinnae like starting argument with folk who are you clearly mair intelligent an clued up than a gobshite like me. :bigsmile:
Could you ask your mother to go to another room whenever she is talking to your sister about her marital problems next time it happens? Or would that make her even more angry? :sad: You shouldn't have to listen to such stressful negativity when your body is trying to heal after your surgery.
Tried to but sadly she just scowls and lies down on the bed that was intended for me as part of may recovery & has most of her phone calls within earshot of me. The only time she goes upstairs is to "Give me some peace". Which is ironic...
But as ah have said on this forum before am used to hearing such emasculating remarks from my mum and sisters. An no just tha fact am a man, either. Ah hud may taste in music, movies and comedy mocked by
Mum still says them but when I criticise her she plays the victim or says she didn't mean it and was joking. Hilarious, eh?
Much like the time ah telt her ah wus feeling depressed an she telt me to take my own life. Which will happen, eventually. Just give it acfew more years. No matter how many times my mum says she'd be heartbroken if I did. Strange how dysfunctional folk only start really caring about ye when yer gone, isn't it?
But, apparently, it's still the men who huv'nae got empathy... Pfft! Aye right, sure.
So there ain't much I can do at the moment to make my mum realise the damage this is doing to me, personally. Not that the wimmin in ma family huv been great at understanding my perspective. Despite, y'know... Thinkin' so highly of me. :idontknow: :thumbdown: