How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I'm feeling a little down which sucks. I've not been making huge amounts of progress.. but I have been winning little victories here and there.

I got a really healthy sleeping pattern back, I started eating a lot better and healthier too and recently I have been going out regular despite finding it hard and stressful.

But physical health problems keep popping up. I don't mean small things either, they are not life threatening but I could require surgery on my stomach, and now I could be looking at surgery near or on my spine all depending on what the CT Thorax scan shows up.

I'm trying to stay positive, and tell myself there is nothing conclusive to worry about, and I shouldn't assume the worst. But it wasn't long ago that I only just got the full use of my hand back after radial nerve damage. It's starting to feel like okay what's going to happen next? lol.


Well-known member
What's wrong?
I hate my older brother.
And it takes alot of effort every day to not just strangle him.

I don't want anything bad to happen to him(For my parents sake..)
But If I never heard from or seen him ever again,I honestly wouldn't give a ****.
I'm sorry, what does he do to make you feel so bad?

(9 more characters to make this a full message)
That's awful I know. I really hope you're feeling much better by now.
I'm feeling a little down which sucks. I've not been making huge amounts of progress.. but I have been winning little victories here and there.

I got a really healthy sleeping pattern back, I started eating a lot better and healthier too and recently I have been going out regular despite finding it hard and stressful.

But physical health problems keep popping up. I don't mean small things either, they are not life threatening but I could require surgery on my stomach, and now I could be looking at surgery near or on my spine all depending on what the CT Thorax scan shows up.

I'm trying to stay positive, and tell myself there is nothing conclusive to worry about, and I shouldn't assume the worst. But it wasn't long ago that I only just got the full use of my hand back after radial nerve damage. It's starting to feel like okay what's going to happen next? lol.
Hang in there, seems like you're taking little steps to getting better which is great. I hope everything turns out well.


Well-known member
*Sigh* I've decided to add in some High Intensisty Interval Training today... I HATE HIIT with a burning passion, but as it's supposed to be more effective, I shall persevere...


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I cannae help feelin' ignored most o' the time, in real life.

Naebody seems tae give s**t whenever I open ma gob and utter a few syllables (and very few at that). Like what I've got tae say doesnae matter. Matters not a jot. Or at least, ma words are treated as such.

But then, am used tae that. Used tae be humilated, treated like I might as well not exist - because that how indifferent ma family seems towards me, at times. Used tae being used and taken advantage of (I guess I deserve that on some level fur being too nice and being incapable of sayin' "No" once in a while). And havin' ma opinions & feelin' underminded by those around me. :kickingmyself: :sad:


Well-known member
I am really hating my anxiety. Every morning this week, as soon as I wake up, the anxiety hits me. It never keeps me up at night, just kind of gets put off when I sleep, and then morning comes and it starts all over again. I really don't want to go back to school (in less than 2 weeks), but this semester should okay and I think it'll go fast. It's my last full one. Sucks I have to take a couple more classes over the summer to finish, but that should be easy.

I'm terrified about this driver's test next week. I know I SHOULD try it, even though I'm most likely going to fail. I can't get anymore practices in this week before the test, so I basically just have to do what I already know. I'm just afraid of making myself look incredibly stupid is all.
The uncertainty regarding my future is really affecting me. I lost most of my motivation to even do daily tasks, and anxiety is eating away at me. I keep having this vision of never going anywhere with my life, never earning that simple Associate's in respiratory, I'll just be working in some call center or a donut shop because I let depression/anxiety ruin my college plans. I still have a few potential options left, but since none of them are guaranteed, the anxiety remains.



I am going to England on Sunday so I am starting to pack my bags, I hate this. I sometimes don´t know what to take with me to the last minute. I still don´t know if to take my laptop or not, or not sure about some other things. Everything will decide right before departure, either I grab it or not. Either way, it will be the wrong decision.

The mystery is, they require 2 references from previous employers. I was telling them that one of my employers will probably not give it to them. She said don´t worry about it and come, we´ll do it somehow already. But I wonder how they intend to do it :idontknow: In their policy they say that until they have both references (in written), we are not allowed to start working. I hope they don´t send me back home, I have experienced similar things before.


Well-known member
Annoyed. I'm finding a colleague quite hard to deal with.

I'd rather she was just openly nasty, rather than passive aggressively nasty with a kind front. I'd feel a lot more comfortable standing up to it that way. Instead I just find myself giving her the benefit of the doubt all the time, only to have it happen again and again.

I could do with knowing if anybody else in the office has noticed it, but I don't want to gossip.
Screw it. I give up on life. I just give up. I can't keep doing this "I feel awful" "I feel better" "I feel terrible" "I'm okay now" "I have no hope" "wait something good has happened" "oh wait no it's not going to work out"...

Maybe if I was normal, if I had a good support network, if my family wasn't dirt poor (except my practically rich but miserly grandfather), if I wasn't so neurotic, if I had just somehow pushed through college despite being depressed, if I had just pretended I wasn't depressed or something... maybe I wouldn't be where I am now, grasping at straws.

I had my chance and I blew it. I have very little resources left thanks to my stupidity. I can't even find the motivation to get dressed and fix my appearance and clean up the ****ing clutter that has accumulated all over the house because the people I live with are either too depressed or too lazy to deal with it.

I feel trapped.

Sorry this is so negative, I really tried to remain positive and fix things in my life but I literally don't have the resources to do any more fixing. I'm just screwed all across the board.
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