How are you feeling?

Right now I'm feeling pretty freaking great, I just got a phone call for a job interview this Wednesday for a receptionist position at a local spa! The majority of my work experience has been in food service, so if I get this job it will be something different and hopefully fun. I'm so excited, wish me luck!


Well-known member
Right now I'm feeling pretty freaking great, I just got a phone call for a job interview this Wednesday for a receptionist position at a local spa! The majority of my work experience has been in food service, so if I get this job it will be something different and hopefully fun. I'm so excited, wish me luck!

when someone calls to book a massage, try not to ask them if they want fries with that


Well-known member
I'll never understand why some people take pleasure in saying awful, untrue things about other people - especially when they're about someone as kind as you. Good on you for telling her off! Hopefully the rumor spreading will now stop.

So sorry that the nasty flu has claimed you as another victim! :thumbdown: Get some rest and maybe do a little studying in at the same time.

I really have to go to work today even though I got almost no sleep last night because I was up coughing practically non-stop. Ugh...

^ Good on ya, Sri! :thumbup: Telling someone off when they need it is one of the hardest things in the world for non-assertive people like us. Once you do it though, it really does make you feel better. Gives you a sense of self-control. Hopefully she'll back off after that.

I hope you get well soon, the flu is awful this time of year. Good luck with your test, I'm sure you'll do fine!

Good for you Srijita telling her to 1, 2 step, you deserve much more than to be treated fowl. You poor thing done caught the flu.

Thanks guys. :)
As for the flu, it got worse. To the point that I can hardly get up from bed.:crying:


not actually Fiona Apple
when someone calls to book a massage, try not to ask them if they want fries with that

Also, the significant difference between happy "meals" and "endings" should be noted.

Also happy days, but last I checked the Fonz was too cool for massages so I haven't a clue why he would be calling.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Well... my 18 year old cousin's lost her baby, when intae labour too early (still-born) What a great start tae 2013 this turnin' out tae be... :sad:

Besides that, am pretty fed-up with ma family. Ma oldest sister, in particular. Egotistical, manipulative cow-bag but that's how she is, most of the time. She's either a female version o' ma father, in term of personality, or just a very manipulative, much like ma late father. But then, some women are great at being manipulative. Sorry, ladies. Nae offense intended there!

I'm just sick of being made to feel like ma opinion matter for nothing. Havin' other people's belief and expectations forced upon me. Made to feel different from the rest. Constantly feelin' like I have to apologies for the way I am.

But ultimately, am tired of ma oldest sister makin' decision for me - because am too stupid tae make 'em myself, given that I have cerebral palsy, apparently. And by that, I mean decision which effect ma life. She scheduled me another meetin' to see about gettin' an electric wheelchair, without actually tellin' me:

I just get a condesendingly egotistical: "Is that awright with you...?" Just have tae be, won't it? I didnae huv much say in the matter, did I?! But thanks fur tellin' me! But I've tae f**kin' lie, yet again, and say ma situations worse than it actually is. Or "play-along" as ma sister put it. But am just sick of doing that, truly am. But ma sister doesnae seem tae get that, freakin' complain tae me, yesterday: "D'you no' get upset about it?" What, huvin' tae cope with the disability I was born with? Naw! I mean, I used to when I was in ma teens. But over the years, I've cared less and less. It's just how it is... I've learned to accept it as it is.

Besides, there's too much bureaucracy involved. Short of being completely paralised from the waist down, it's no likely am gettin' an electric wheelchair. That's the reality of it, anyway. And good intentions aside, I think ma oldest sister's just doing this for herself more than anything, because she wants to still think our relationship hasn't change in 2 years, that we're still "very close". Uh-huh, that'll be right! :thumbdown: But far be it fae me tae keep ye from livin' the disillusioned dream fantasy!

I mean, it'd be great if things were different. Sure, it can get upsetting if I dwell on it for a long time. Frustrating, even. But that doesnae change the facts of my situation. I could get all angry and bitter, but where does that get me in the long-run? Naewhere! And sorry if I come across as such, but am just being honest here.But I can't spend ma time wishin' ma life away, feelin' sorry for myself because I was born physically disabled. Just got tae make the best of a difficult situation, I guess. :idontknow:

Anyway, I think you get what am tryin tae say? Sorry for this depressingly bleak rant. Just had tae vent. :sad:


Well-known member
Tired, but good. I gave both the dogs baths today, finally took down all the Christmas decorations, ordered a new backpack for the new semester, and rearranged the storage bins upstairs a bit.

I also just got done watching Animaniacs and now I'm watching The Lion King on the Disney channel. :bigsmile: Yes I'm totally 6 years old again tonight and I don't care. You're never too old for cartoons, in my opinion. ;)

On another note, I'm really thinking about cancelling my driver's test next week. My mom's gotten caught up with work and other matters this week (and will continue onto next week) all of a sudden, leaving me with very little chances to even practice more with driving. I really don't know what to do. I'm going to fail the test anyway, so what's the point? :/ I mean, I could always schedule again next month and most likely miss a day of school which I really don't care about, but... I don't know. I'm just so afraid and not ready. Last Saturday my mom and I purposely went out and stayed out for a while just for me to drive a bunch. Of course being a weekend there were a ton of people out, more than usual, and I nearly freaked out. I mean, it still went well -- or at least good enough, but I almost broke into tears more than once because I couldn't handle my anxiety and got angry more than once, leaving me being all snappish. Fear tends to make me angry at times, and sometimes I can't contain it. :sad: So yeah, I really don't know what to do.


Well-known member
I hate my older brother.
And it takes alot of effort every day to not just strangle him.

I don't want anything bad to happen to him(For my parents sake..)
But If I never heard from or seen him ever again,I honestly wouldn't give a ****.
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