Lucky you! One day I'm going to go to America and see some snow. We have snowy mountains a few hours away, but it's not like the American winters.Winter storm has begun. I'm excited. Get to hole up in my house and watch the fluffy white stuff out my window. The perks of living in New England.
Head hurts a little, hopefully it won't blossom into a migraine. I wonder if a whole bottle of ibuprofen would stave it off?
Winter storm has begun. I'm excited. Get to hole up in my house and watch the fluffy white stuff out my window. The perks of living in New England.
Fender Squier guitars are quite reasonably priced guitar, especially if you don't want to spend a lot of money, no more than say £200, or just under that is what they cost here in the UK. I've got one, myself. Good sounding guitar, and a good make.
Though, I'm considering replacing the tuning heads on my Squier strat with vintage Fender tuners, since they keep the strings in tune better.
I am all out of cookies, so sad :crying:
I've been in a super bad funk lately too, partially because of all the rainy weather we've been having. Maybe the darker, cold days are getting to you as well? :sad:My depression streak from last night never went away. I mean, it did temporarily, but it crept right back on me today and I've been in a moody flunk since. I've kept myself in my room all day, not wanting to see or talk to anyone.
Awww, poor kitty! Maybe some bacitracin ointment would help in the meantime? Bacitracin for Cats | Hopefully his bald patches clear up soon!To make my mood worse, my cat doesn't look good -- physically anyway. About a week ago I found a couple random bald spots, about the size of my thumb, on his back right leg and saw that there were scratch marks on there. Clearly he got into a cat fight, most likely with the neighbor's cat who's constantly over here looking for shelter because the neighbors don't keep him in, not even in the winter, they just feed him and offer absolutely no shelter. (poor thing. I don't know why they do that, but it pisses me off.) Anyway, there was no puffiness, no infection whatsoever, just scabs. So everyday for a week I've been putting on petroleum jelly (started off with bag balm and then switched) to keep the skin soft, since it was chapping from the cold, and just been playing the waiting game because there's not much else you can do when it comes to fur growing back. Last night I had checked it before going to bed and it looked the same as it has. Then this evening when my cat comes down the stairs from sleeping all day, I noticed it doubled! Now there's this huge stretch of bald spot on him and I don't know why and it has me worried. :sad:
Do you have a county-run clinic that you can go to which can help you get treatment for this if you don't have health insurance or the means to pay for care? We have a lot of patients who come to the clinic I work at with migraines. They're usually given injections for pain and nausea to provide immediate relief and then are advised to get into a longer-term (non-narcotic, as some try to come back for the narcs too often!) maintenance program. Apparently some antidepressant meds can actually help with migrane pain as well.Head hurts a little, hopefully it won't blossom into a migraine. I wonder if a whole bottle of ibuprofen would stave it off?
^ Actually I kind of realized that it might have something to do with being that time of the month. But it really doesn't help that I've been inside my house for nearly a week now. We're pretty much snowed in over here, since we got very close to a foot of snow this week from nice old Draco. Roads have been so awful and the snowplows haven't even bothered to keep up with it. It's a mess. I love snow and all this time of the year, but it can stop now. I have more than enough.I've been in a super bad funk lately too, partially because of all the rainy weather we've been having. Maybe the darker, cold days are getting to you as well? :sad:
^ I've never heard of that stuff before. Do you know where I can get it? I've been trying my best to not send my cat to the vet right away since it's so pricey and I don't exactly have the money, plus my dad's been starting to complain again. :/Awww, poor kitty! Maybe some bacitracin ointment would help in the meantime? Bacitracin for Cats | Hopefully his bald patches clear up soon!
I would go stir-crazy living with all of that!But it really doesn't help that I've been inside my house for nearly a week now. We're pretty much snowed in over here, since we got very close to a foot of snow this week from nice old Draco. Roads have been so awful and the snowplows haven't even bothered to keep up with it. It's a mess.
You can use NeoSporin or any triple antibiotic (has bacitracin in it), or buy generic bacitracin (make sure to get without zinc), all which can be bought at a drug store like CVS. According to "The Pill Book Guide to Medication for Your Dog or Cat" (have a copy of it I'm quoting from), regarding NeoSporin:^ I've never heard of that stuff before. Do you know where I can get it? I've been trying my best to not send my cat to the vet right away since it's so pricey and I don't exactly have the money, plus my dad's been starting to complain again. :/
ohhh that is sad...
here's some virtual cookies. sadly, not the same. I'm hungry now lol:bigsmile:
^ I actually enjoyed it for a while. It was nice not having to go anywhere. I mean, after shopping around for the holidays, and then before that going to school 5 times a week and finishing with finals, yeah I was ready to be a hermit for a while.I would go stir-crazy living with all of that!![]()
^ Oh thank you so much! I will definitely keep this in mind. If I can manage to actually get out of the house, I'll be on the lookout for this. I'll probably end up scheduling a vet appointment too sometime this week if I can.You can use NeoSporin or any triple antibiotic (has bacitracin in it), or buy generic bacitracin (make sure to get without zinc), all which can be bought at a drug store like CVS. According to "The Pill Book Guide to Medication for Your Dog or Cat" (have a copy of it I'm quoting from), regarding NeoSporin:
- NeoSporin is FDA approved for topical use in animals.
- For external use only.
- Do not apply over large areas or in deep or puncture wounds. Ointments should only be used to treat small wounds and only for a few days.
- Apply a thin film on affected areas 3-4 times a day or as directed by your veterinarian.
Also, make sure not to buy any ointment which has a pain reliever in it as this can be toxic to pets!
Hope this helps!![]()
This forum is making me feel like I am an extremely unintelligent, childish, uninsightful, naive fool.
Every time I come here I feel like everybody knows everything and I don't know nothing about anything.
This forum just makes me feel stupid.
This forum is making me feel like I am an extremely unintelligent, childish, uninsightful, naive fool.
Every time I come here I feel like everybody knows everything and I don't know nothing about anything.
This forum just makes me feel stupid.
^So your saying you will never feel happy in here until everyone agrees with everything you say in your posts?