How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I was out gigging last night so that's my excuse! How come you didn't sleep?
I have trouble sleeping mostly insomia. When you say gigging do you mean as like playing a gig on stage or something else. Where I am from there is something called frog gigging. Althouhg I have never done it I know people who have.


Well-known member
I have trouble sleeping mostly insomia. When you say gigging do you mean as like playing a gig on stage or something else. Where I am from there is something called frog gigging. Althouhg I have never done it I know people who have.
Ah, insomnia. ::(: That sucks a lot.

Yeah, playing a gig. It turned out okay.

Should totally head to bed now. Yes, that's what I'll do.