How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I was felling happy/sad about my recent weight gain, I gained 5 pounds in a week. It's actually a good thing for me, but I can't stop eating from the medicine. Well, that's the purpose of it to help me gain weight; this stuff gives me the 24 hour munchies.

I just want to be healthy, but I feel like my family is pressuring me to be a thick person. Once I hit my target, I want them to let off and stop dictating how my body should look, I decide that. I was healthy years ago and they did that to me.

I hate it, what males see as attractive they're telling me to be it. It's about making myself happy and no one else. I could care less if you have a thing for long straight hair. I'm going to pick out my afro and tell people to suck it. I be who I want to be, now back off.

I agree Beleza, be what you want be and don't let others control you. You're very beautiful.


Well-known member
::eek:: thanks kia. It makes me want to rebel and not be those things because of the pressure. I'm still being verbally abused and seen as crazy because I don't want to look like how they want me to.

I shaved all of my hair off 8 months ago because you know it's something girls do with damaged hair, it's seen as normal in my culture. It was the worst 8 months of my life until my mother put her hands on me and made me do what she wanted me to do. It's not fair to be yelled at for hours about it and get dirty looks every time I walk by. I went to a website posted pics and I got support from that community, so I know I'm not looking crazy.

She put her hands on me because I didn't want to go to the sink with her and her boyfriend who knows nothing he's a big idiot that will just agree with anything she says. He makes things worse. At least stand up for me when you see I'm being screamed at and dragged. Like at least try to be supportive, but you have to intimidate me, call me degrading names and tell me it's because you care. No, if you cared you wouldn't call me crazy and putting your hands on me like a child when I'm grown. I don't fight her back when she drags me. I try to stand my ground and say no and it p**sses her off, so she just end up snatching me. She tells her kids she would stick the mess out them if they ever fought back with her and I don't doubt she would hit me hard if I pushed her off. all I can do is be humble and comply with the rules. She'll end up getting her way, damaging my hair again with flat irons. It's either that or she will roll her eyes at me and her and her BF double team me while she's screaming ans snatching me. I hate my life. They tell me it's for my future, but I rather have someone that likes me more than looks, they forgot about that part.

It's gotten better over the years. She's not mean most of the time, but I hate her mean streaks.

I had to take her to a therapist appointment and she yelled all week about because thought I was telling people at the place about how she was abusing me saying the most low down dirty things she could and treating me like garbage. Then when she got there, she looked like an idiot because I just wanted someone to explain anxiety to her. I think she's ashamed, but her narcissism won't admit it. No wonder why my self esteem can be so low.

I did tell them to suck it and it was a heat argument, she looked like she was about to ring my neck. I'm suprised she didnt throw all the clothes out my drawers and take them off the hangers to make me pick it up. Until them, I'm going to be proud and not let all of my pride be taken away. I feel like a caged bird. this stuff is so very embarrassing to talk about because it makes me feel low and I know people answers outside of this website is just going to be...Well why don't you move out and not be understanding. I feel weak. Speak of being attractive, this is not attractive to people. I just felt like ranting this morning. I'm about to go eat the last of the ice cream and watch black and white movies to feel better. I'm just a cute little girl that shouldn't step outside of my designed box. It makes me want be the exact opposite.
I'm used to this behavior and I know it's not a good thing to be.


Well-known member
::eek:: thanks kia. It makes me want to rebel and not be those things because of the pressure. I'm still being verbally abused and seen as crazy because I don't want to look like how they want me to.

I shaved all of my hair off 8 months ago because you know it's something girls do with damaged hair, it's seen as normal in my culture. It was the worst 8 months of my life until my mother put her hands on me and made me do what she wanted me to do. It's not fair to be yelled at for hours about it and get dirty looks every time I walk by. I went to a website posted pics and I got support from that community, so I know I'm not looking crazy.

She put her hands on me because I didn't want to go to the sink with her and her boyfriend who knows nothing he's a big idiot that will just agree with anything she says. He makes things worse. At least stand up for me when you see I'm being screamed at and dragged. Like at least try to be supportive, but you have to intimidate me, call me degrading names and tell me it's because you care. No, if you cared you wouldn't call me crazy and putting your hands on me like a child when I'm grown. I don't fight her back when she drags me. I try to stand my ground and say no and it p**sses her off, so she just end up snatching me. She tells her kids she would stick the mess out them if they ever fought back with her and I don't doubt she would hit me hard if I pushed her off. all I can do is be humble and comply with the rules. She'll end up getting her way, damaging my hair again with flat irons. It's either that or she will roll her eyes at me and her and her BF double team me while she's screaming ans snatching me. I hate my life. They tell me it's for my future, but I rather have someone that likes me more than looks, they forgot about that part.

It's gotten better over the years. She's not mean most of the time, but I hate her mean streaks.

I had to take her to a therapist appointment and she yelled all week about because thought I was telling people at the place about how she was abusing me saying the most low down dirty things she could and treating me like garbage. Then when she got there, she looked like an idiot because I just wanted someone to explain anxiety to her. I think she's ashamed, but her narcissism won't admit it. No wonder why my self esteem can be so low.

I did tell them to suck it and it was a heat argument, she looked like she was about to ring my neck. I'm suprised she didnt throw all the clothes out my drawers and take them off the hangers to make me pick it up. Until them, I'm going to be proud and not let all of my pride be taken away. I feel like a caged bird. this stuff is so very embarrassing to talk about because it makes me feel low and I know people answers outside of this website is just going to be...Well why don't you move out and not be understanding. I feel weak. Speak of being attractive, this is not attractive to people. I just felt like ranting this morning. I'm about to go eat the last of the ice cream and watch black and white movies to feel better. I'm just a cute little girl that shouldn't step outside of my designed box. It makes me want be the exact opposite.
I'm used to this behavior and I know it's not a good thing to be.

I'm really sorry, I wish I could say something more helpful. What she's doing clearly isn't right. Do what seems best to you and try not to let her get to you too much, I know that's not easy though. I hope you feel better soon, stay strong.


I'm having a hard time sleeping because I'm wide awake from taking a nap earlier in the day. Stupid fluoxetine. Only one more day of this and I'm switching to taking it at night!

I found a strip of these capsules washed into a drain in the street. Should I try it? Green/white 20mg


Well-known member
I'm pretty anxious and a little nauseous. I still need to call my landlord (clearly this is a big issue for me, as I've posted on here about it at least 3 times).
I hate this anxiety. I feel like I can't control my own life, because I get so worked up about stupid little things, then I end up delaying the inevitable, which just makes things worse (I once had to get a new car engine because I didn't get the oil changed because of my anxiety).
The weird thing is, I feel pretty good/optimistic about most aspects of my life right now. I've been working out, and, once I start getting paid from my second job (which I start next week), I'll feel more financially secure. My son and I are getting along pretty well, my class is going well (only 6 more class meetings left), my boyfriend and I are great.
I've noticed that I'm never happy with everything in my life at once, and the bad tends to overshadow the good. I would like to be content with everything so I can relax.


Well-known member
Absolutely awful. ::(: I don't think I've ever had a reaction to gluten this bad, and in such a little time frame. I had the same thing last night and felt fine, and then I have it again today and now an hour later I feel like throwing up and it feels like someone punched me in the stomach and then kicked me in the back.

Why does my body have to hate so many things? I hope this doesn't last all day. I think it's best to just avoid gluten altogether now.
Absolutely awful. ::(: I don't think I've ever had a reaction to gluten this bad, and in such a little time frame. I had the same thing last night and felt fine, and then I have it again today and now an hour later I feel like throwing up and it feels like someone punched me in the stomach and then kicked me in the back.

Why does my body have to hate so many things? I hope this doesn't last all day. I think it's best to just avoid gluten altogether now.

Oh no! ::(: I hope you feel better quickly.

I slept way too much yesterday and last night. I need to get up and do something! I'm thinking of heading into town and A) going to the used book store, B) going to the car wash and cleaning out my car, C) going to a scrap yard and looking for a hubcab that somewhat matches the one on my car that mysteriously disappeared yesterday, or D) all of the above.


Well-known member
almost done week 2 with a fat loss diet, didn't seem to be doing it enough so that means 1 more week and this time, im really gonna starve.

every weekend ive been looking more forward to playing guitar. i set myself up to finish 1 song just finish a song. first couple of weeks almost did, tried hard. finally let go and moved on. now trying again. the trying hard has felt good. feels good to push yourself with something you really enjoy. and this time not many distractions. focus is not much a problem so i hope to keep this up until i succeed.