How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Today I'm feelin pretty good and optimistic about the future. I hope that will last. :)
Yesterday I've been in other town..2 hours from my town by train. I went there to meet some woman who also suffers from SA. She is older than me..43 years old. We talked for few hours..we excange experiences with SA. Almost every thing I said she felt the same way too. It was very comfortable talking with her. I think that's the begining of a beautiful friendship..we will see. :)


Well-known member
bit tired done a days work then my weight training , i must be bloody mad , but at least ill sleep like a baby tonight :)


Really fuzzy and dizzy and headachey. I'll be fine though. nothing I haven't been through before. Thank god I dont have the nausea with it x_x.


Well-known member
Very bad. I've been feeling terrible all day. My mom has been stretching my last nerve. She's been p*ssing me off all day long. Things are finally a bit better now, but I'm sure not for long.


Well-known member
i feel like a dinosaur **** on my head!! i hate having brain fog :( its starting to really pi*s me off !!!!

ps (if anyone has any suggestions on how to get rid of this please feel free to pm me)

You could try caffeine, that sometimes helps me.

Sorry I'm not PMing you lol, but just the thought of that scares me lol

johnny 85

Well-known member
You could try caffeine, that sometimes helps me.

Sorry I'm not PMing you lol, but just the thought of that scares me lol

lmao, np. ^^^^^ too much caffeine makes me anxious! anyhow i tink i found the cause to it ::(: i just done a depression test on that site and im experiecing some of the symtoms listed on the test. really bad fatigue, sleep disorders, lack or no interest in hobbies i once enjoyed etc
i dont feel sad or unhappy though, i would of thought that would of been the main factor in depression ??
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lmao, np. ^^^^^ too much caffeine makes me anxious! anyhow i tink i found the cause to it ::(: i just done a depression test on that site and im experiecing some of the symtoms listed on the test. really bad fatigue, sleep disorders, lack or no interest in hobbies i once enjoyed etc
i dont feel sad or unhappy though, i would of though that would of been the main factor in depression ??

You could be unipolar or bipolar??
I'm feeling angry and frustrated with myself for not being normal.
I'm feeling depressed and afraid because i'll probably end up losing my boyfriend.
I'm feeling nervous about going drinking on Saturday.


Well-known member
bad bad bad, sa is killling me, I don't know how to fight it..

Im looking foward to a birthday party I'm going because of my friends, but Im terrified to meet new people....

My head seemed like it was gonna explode in my project presentation, I left the place shivering.

Three people asked me stuff in the street today and I felt like **** for not knowing or for not saying the right way......... ****!!!


Well-known member
I begin a cycle of new medication tomorrow, I'm optimistic but kind of fed up of switching from tablet to tablet. Nevermind though, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I don't know what I'll do tonight. I called a good friend to see if he wanted to do something over the weekend but he can't, I was going to suggest a group of us got together. I have a social invite Sunday afternoon/evening, but I really don't want to go (anxiety). Weirdly, fantasising about a better life without anxiety can actually make me feel okay now and again.