

Well-known member
I've noticed that a lot of members are already past high school, sooooooooo

What were you like in high school? How was high school for you?

I'm currently in my graduating year and I've mostly always been a quiet/shy girl, though I'm being less known for that as my trademark. I think I'd be known as friendly, but I keep to myself a lot.

Also, as a related question how was your complexion in high school and how is it now? I just would like to know there is hope for slightly mild chronic blemishes to be completely gone soon.


I've been pity too much... I hate it. Friends that sit next to me in lunch, i feel they don't even want to be there. They rather go sit with the cute girl 2 tables down than sitting next to me... it all comes down to pity. They think they're doing something nice, but really it hurt.
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It was the best times of my life despite some teachers thinking that I was an idiot. Great friends... well immature sometimes, but so was I, goofing around all the time.

It was mostly fun. Definitely definitely more fun than working life.


Well-known member
i was the nice/shy/quit azn kid that rarely talks or converses with ne1 other than his close group of friends


Well-known member
I went to a shitty public school until 6th grade,but I actually had a lot of friends,I wasnt always bullied,but it did happened some times and you couldnt do anything because it was mostly by a huge group,looking back now I think they tried to separate classes,like the students that were good in one class,and the trouble makers on others,didnt learned much,got in a few fights,but not many,then I came to Japan and studied in a brazilian school here,it was pretty good,everyone were cool,but I didnt made many friends and the ones I had,I never met them outside of school.
I am definetly better then I was in highschool,more confident,people also tend to be more friendly and respect others when they are older,but I dont have many friends right now.


Well-known member
High school wasn't HORRIBLE for me persay, it was just sorrowful. My social anxiety peaked around the 10th/11th grade and I immersed myself in my own world of video games.

Nobody bothered to approach me. Ever. I never made a friend or bothered to speak in class.

I was always paranoid that I'd come off as a creep to everyone since I never spoke and my face was perplexed with a never changing expressionless gaze.


Well-known member
High school was fine for me. I was shy and quiet but had a pretty big group of friends. It was after high school that some kind of more serious anxiety hit me. In the sixth form I couldn't get comfortable with it and was always on edge, in assembilies mostly but some lessons were a problem. The social anxiety slowly developed from then onwards.


Well-known member
I hated high school. I wasn't picked on or anything, but I sat alone in the lunchroom and was pretty much ignored. It was like I didn't even exist.

That was a long time ago and not a whole lot has changed.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Oh curse the lot that society throws at you. Well, I suppose that is how this world crumbles though. I am currently in high school so perhaps you should disregard my words. It is anything but fun, having to deal with ignorant teachers and ridicule from students who think that any intelligent thinking is amusing. I go because I need it for my future, not out of any appreciation for the system. Humanity is flawed so anything we try to perfect, such as education, is also flawed in my opinion. Yet I do not have a better plan so I should not be complaining. Anyhow highschool tends to be a conglomerate of painful experiences with small highlights of good if one is fortunate. I would certainly hope that your highschool experience was less dismal than mine though.

As an afterthought, I suppose that the suffering does make you a far wiser person though. For experience is the only way to truly understand events and feelings such as the ones expressed here.


Well-known member
i'm 21 and wasn't agoraphobic until i was 20.. i basically lived 'normally' in high school, i didn't often have problems socializing with people or speaking up in class, i've just never been one to be 'loud' type i guess, haha.. my problem in high school was the rules, i just hated high school because the teachers were too worried about the thugs and the dresscode.. they were nazis about being 30 seconds late to class or if you had on flip flops! haha... though i had great friends, i hated my high school all together and ended up dropping out and getting my GED, i was enrolled at college before my friends graduated high school, lol.. and anyway, i still hang out with the same high school group of friends :) (when i'm feeling especially daring enough to get out of the house, hehe)

and about the breakouts, i've never had very severe breakouts at all, but i've always been on a birth control pill that helps to control it... i actually went through my worst breakout when i was around 19 and out of high school, i have no idea why, but i think stress contributed to it.. i ended up going to the dermatologist (MAN was my doctor extremely gorgeous! haha! :D) and i took antibiotics and he gave me some prescription face wash that cleared it up pretty quickly :)


Well-known member
i'm 21 and wasn't agoraphobic until i was 20.. i basically lived 'normally' in high school, i didn't often have problems socializing with people or speaking up in class, i've just never been one to be 'loud' type i guess, haha.. my problem in high school was the rules, i just hated high school because the teachers were too worried about the thugs and the dresscode.. they were nazis about being 30 seconds late to class or if you had on flip flops! haha... though i had great friends, i hated my high school all together and ended up dropping out and getting my GED, i was enrolled at college before my friends graduated high school, lol.. and anyway, i still hang out with the same high school group of friends :) (when i'm feeling especially daring enough to get out of the house, hehe)

and about the breakouts, i've never had very severe breakouts at all, but i've always been on a birth control pill that helps to control it... i actually went through my worst breakout when i was around 19 and out of high school, i have no idea why, but i think stress contributed to it.. i ended up going to the dermatologist (MAN was my doctor extremely gorgeous! haha! :D) and i took antibiotics and he gave me some prescription face wash that cleared it up pretty quickly :)

I'm okay with following the rules, but they're not too strictly put down on us in my high school, so it's not that bad. I can be late to class and I just get the same greeting as if I were there on time, hah.

And thanks for replying about the complexion! It's not technically severe for me, but I really just focus on anything, so to me it's really bad. I've gotten this gel that you put on every night but it just really dries the skin out and makes it worse overall. Helped a little bit at first but then my skin got used to it and it had no effect. And then I got pills, but I only took them twice because it actually gave me the most severe anxiety attack I've ever had. Heart palpitations and all. But now I'm really wanting to try something again so I'll probably go into my doctor about that soon. Except for I always feel really vain when I go in for a, what is probably considered, "small" problem by most, when doctors are probably busy for a lot more serious stuff. But maybe I'll ask about the birth control, definitely.


Super Moderator
It was hell. I was alone, and the times people would talk to me it was to mock me. They hated me because i am ugly and different.


Well-known member
High school for me started out alright. I got my first B since second grade, but I was still the same smart, silent guy. By the end of 9th grade my own personal Hell had begun. By tenth grade I was effectively drugged to depression, then given antidepressants to bring me back up. The cutting of skin began, and was eventually recommended to drop out and sign up again (thus preserving my otherwise near-perfect grades).

So I was no longer in the same grade as my twin sister, and was now in with my younger brother. But this year proved to be a mere continuation of apathy, depression, and undiagnosed anxiety. By now the learned physicians thought I was bipolar, and that I was cycling from depressed to manic and back every 24 hours. About the only thing I learned this year was how awful Depakote tasted when you tried biting the tablet. Surprisingly it was worse than that fake vanilla smell and taste on the outside. At the end of this year I was again counselled to drop out and re-enroll. So I guess I'm one of the few people who can say they dropped out of high school twice.

So now that I was also graduating behind my younger brother, I had a year of home schooling. Not only did I get to stay home, I got to learn while trying to ignore a fox terrier and a whippet. But this time I finally passed the 10th grade. Then I got to watch my twin sister graduate.

Eleventh grade saw me back in class, back getting high marks, and back to not talking to anyone. But now I had long hair and a cheap guitar. And I was finally diagnosed correctly, and was doing okay. Though I must say my skills with the ladies were quite lacking: my Chem. class crush went from friendly to she-devil-who-wants-to-gouge-out-my-eyes in about a month. I still think she just wanted me so badly that it scared her. :)

My senior year I played bass for the backup band for the school singing group. I started out eating lunch alone, but soon warmed the heart of a girl from my Lit. class. By the end of the year I was falling for her, but all I got in return was a face full of ranch dressing. So I left high school the same way I entered: alone. But now I was finally starting to go somewhere with my life. My complexion was really never too bad, and I still have more scars on my face from chicken pox than my adolescent hormonal surge.

While waiting for a tutor one day I saw a neighbor kick his dog for no apparent reason. Somehow my mom kept me from going over there and kicking his teeth in, and to this day animal cruelty of any sort is the quickest way to make my blood boil.

Also, the time I was wallowing in my own personal Hell was the only time I hit my dogs. Afterwards, every time I raised my voice the terrier got scared. As each one was dying I couldn't appreciate the time I had with them because I could only think of the few times that I hit them. And no matter how I try to rationalize my behavior I can never forgive myself for it. And I don't think I ever will.


im 20. throughout elementary ive been a joyful and happy person who liked to talk a lot. as i got older. the opposite happened. when highschool started, it was still ok in grade 9, asides from the fact that i didnt talk much. i still kinda enjoyed goign out. but that soon went away too after grade 10. when my friends slowly drifted away. either because of something happened, or because ive became so quiet ive turned invisible to a lot of people. now it feels like i have no friends left. i look at my sister and see she has all these partys to go to. and people to hang out with. and i just htink to myself. what happened to me? i used to be like that.


Well-known member
i'll be honest, it was mostly a forgettable experience, i remember in year ten i was beaten up daily by two of the people in our friendship group. i think it was because i was quiet and an easy target. my other friend used to have similar treatment. the high school had a reputation as well. so that didnt help. then i started to skip classes alot because i became sick of the treatment. the one shining diamond of going to that high school was flying overseas to bali for indonesian class. it was one week and we all had a great time. but high school was very dark for me personally. at the time i didnt know any better and i felt like i had not influential mentors to help guide me through, then i'd go home and my parents would simply nag and lecture me and my sister over the silliest things so that whole experence was a semi nightmare
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Well-known member
I saw the quiet one who typically sat by himself in class and at lunch and avoided contact with almost everyone I knew at all times. Yeah, highschool sucked.


In gr 9-10 I was a complete loser, by 11-12 I was somewhat popular then my 2nd year of 12 I was back to a loser.


Well-known member
The people are fake. Too superficial. It's disgusting.
I never had friends in high school, only people that I hang around with... and was glad to get rid of.
Next year I'm going back to school, but I won't make friends, in fact I'll purposefully avoid anyone and everyone, just because making friends with high schoolers is not worth the risk or the effort. I already have friends, why do I need more? Honestly.
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