Have you had any therapy?

Have you had any therapy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 111 58.7%
  • No

    Votes: 78 41.3%

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Well-known member
3 years of solo therapy when I was in elementary school, 1 year in highschool for agoraphobia and now I'm going onto year 2 of CBT with my psych doctor to try to cure my anxiety disorder and agoraphobia.


Well-known member
I've thought about trying hypnotherapy. Could you please elaborate how it helped you?


sorry for late reply, i had only seen your post there. Hypnotherapy...emmm let me see....have you ever done relaxation/meditatione etc. I presume so...well it is much like this except the theripst works directly with you and your problems. You are never 'knocked-out', you are always awake (with your eyes closed).

For me, throughout the hypnosis, i was doing deep breathing. I was giving the technique, to create a circle with my thumb and first finger. This was a sign to my unconcious mind that i have the power to relax. What ever theripst you have, they will have different techniques.

Throughout the therapy sessions, half was talking and the other half was hypnosis. The first half allows you to go over your past and present (as most therapies do), but what the hypnotherapy does is free up your mind. It links things in your mind to notice as relaxing. Such as the colour blue and the circle (with the two fingers).

It is really really difficult to explain how it works, as i do not fully know myself. But all i can say is it was what worked best for me. Also because you are 'being hypnotized' and going into a deep state of relaxation (they call it trance i think), over time you physically become relaxed in the room with the theripst. And from that you take the newly learnt skills with you out the door and home with you.

I think hypnois can reach the sub-concious mind easilier. For example there was one session i was asked to answer questions (nothing bad or too personal). I was being asked about events when i blushed (because i suffer from facial blushing) when i was in school. After saying a few things...there was one story i was telling and stoped half way through. I was not aware i stoped telling the story...it was only until after was i told there would proberly be a repressed memory there.
I have always been asking myself the question of what the memory maybe, i have a fair idea, but i have never been able to speak about this personal memory (unfortunately).

Like i sed, its hard to explain, even because i dont really know myself!! You should try it...id recommend it. I will do it again sometime in the future if i am still suffering with SA and erethrophobia (blushing).
At first i found it a bit weird...i even laughed out loud on the first go but you become used to the process.

So on the last note, it is basically bringing me into a relaxed enough state to become relaxed with the theripst. Then as i said before, you take those key skills with you and work with them. Also my first session was recoreded, so every night and then over time day and night, i listened to the CD. Everytime i done this i was building on my already learned strengths. It was a personal session with the theripst and i...expect it was just i!!!

Hard to explain...but if you have any questions, dont be afraid to ask.



If anxiety is getting in the way of your life then its worth giving therapy a try until you find someone right for you.


Well-known member
I saw a counsellor dating from about 2002 to 2008.

Recentlt I saw a psychologist three times. She left the practice. The relaxation technisques I learnt, also some changes to my diet helped as well. My anxiety is improved, but I think at the moment what I am feeling is more of a depression.

Social skills training (got a diploma)
Mental hospital / clinic observation

and now... DGT (which is the most effective for me)


Well-known member
I was seeing a psychiatrist 10 years ago, it was group therapy, and I started taking antidepressives. None of it did me any good, at all... He didn´t believe in talking about emotions or the past... He only believed in medicine.

5 years ago I was seeing a psychologist for a year. It was nice to have someone to talk to, but it didn´t really help much.

Then finally I tried psychotherapy. I saw the therapist for one and a half year and this is the first and only therapy that has helped me. It didn´t make my social difficulties and depression go away, but I learned a lot about what is going on inside me, WHY I feel bad. I learned about my mental/emotional patterns and habbits. We worked a little with some bad experiences I had in my childhood and youth.
I should have kept going, but then I had to move.
Now I guess I should find a new psychotherapist, but I´m really tired of trying to get help from therapy. Tired of telling my lifestory, tired of feeling that the therapist doesn´t REALLY know how to help... I always feel that I myself must do something to get better - BUT WHAT, I don´t know exactly what to do... I just keep feeling that life is too stupid.

I might try hypnotherapy / multi incarnation therapy.


Well-known member
I have been to two. I don't know if they were helpful. They have very different approaches. The first one wanted to dig into my emotions and I think she tried to make me express emotion. It was the first time I ever looked into my past, let alone talked about it with somebody, so it helped a lot. It really clarified my current environment. She was a VERY kind and... how to say.... Heart-on-sleeve? She had a lot of love and care for me. That made me feel constantly anxious because I don't know what to do with that. It was helpful at first for SURE, because it taught me to talk about myself and it had me look into my past. She was very good at connecting mental dots and she gave me many many revelations (so many that I didn't retain any).

But in the end I realized that I don't let anybody "tell me" what to do. Even if they are merely suggesting it because I asked, I will be reluctant to do it. I realized I didn't really want her help as much as somebody to talk to.

Switched to a free counselor because last one was 100/hour, and she is the complete opposite. She doesn't let me dwell on the past, which is good I guess but I think I still need to get it out seeing that I just began to look into it recently. She is more into "What do you want, and how are you going to get there". She is the opposite of me, and I think that is what I need a lot more than the other one. She tells me straight up when I talk myself in a circle, and basically makes it feel completely useless by ignoring my thought circles and setting me back on the main goal. That process alone takes the entire session

The problem is that I don't think I'm ready to 'heal'. I just don't think I'm there. I don't think I've suffered to the point of being willing to get out, but I think it'll be there in a few months. I never force anything, I always go with this balance, it's just how I work, I can't force it until I want it and I can't want it until there is something forcing me out of the comfortable option. (Money-loss, rock bottom depression, a glimmer of feel-good-let's-go attitude, etc) But once I reach one of these, I am all-in.

So she gives me goals and I don't even do them.... :/

Sorry for long personal ranty post
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I saw a therapist for a couple of months last year, but wasn't really feeling a connection. I've been feeling pretty bad lately, so my mother talked me into trying it again with someone else. I go back for my second appointment with Dr. Cop Monday and I'm excited. I really like her. For the first time since I was a little kid, I have a mostly positive outlook on my life. Yay!

My first guy did most of the talking. I felt like he was talking at me, not to/with me. Our meetings were mostly one sides conversations. At our last meeting, he said that he thought I had pretty high self esteem. I knew then that something had gone wrong in our interactions because I certainly do not have high self esteem. It was my first time in therapy and I wasn't feeling any need to come back, so I didn't. But this new chick is all kinds of awesome. I'm a teasing person by nature (both to myself and others) and she is the same way. She'll josh around with me about my crooked thinking and I feel comfortable with her. She took the slow approach, as it was our first meeting, just getting to understand my family. But half way into the session, she was already honing in on some of my core issues and seeing how my family's actions have affected me. My first guy got nowhere close in the three or four sessions I had with him. I think it just comes down to finding someone who feels familiar to you (even though you've never met) and who can understand what you are saying even when you aren't sure what you're saying. I think I have found that match, but I'm not going to get too optimistic about it. You never know what will happen.
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Well-known member
Not all therapists fit everybody or are good. I want to find one who KNOWS about SAD, CBT, almost specializes in it. Has attitude like Sab's last one, and Super's Cop one. I need more than just "talking" and expressing emotions and looking at my past. I want to look at my future, and NOW.

And EA, yeah, have to want it. I am at point I really do - although my old habits and thought patterns will try to sabotage my efforts. Natural. I also need force -


Well-known member
For the first time since I was a little kid, I have a mostly positive outlook on my life. Yay!

I think it just comes down to finding someone who feels familiar to you (even though you've never met) and who can understand what you are saying even when you aren't sure what you're saying. I think I have found that match, but I'm not going to get too optimistic about it. You never know what will happen.

Now, now the last bit is not having a positive outlook on life. Neither do you know that you never know what will happen will happen. (That is like a recursive algorithm)
Now, now the last bit is not having a positive outlook on life. Neither do you know that you never know what will happen will happen. (That is like a recursive algorithm)

And...what? I've always used negative thinking as a crutch to protect myself from harm. And since I've had a grand total of one hour of positive therapy experience, the odds of me still using that crutch are pretty good.

That's called the superfluous approach.


Yeah I am currently in therapy - every Monday & Tuesday evening.

Monday - I attend group sessions which I have been doing since Nov. 2009. It has been very helpful using CBT techniques. I have come to realise it's going to be a long fight to get past my problems but starting to pay off.

Tuesday - I have sessions with a psychodynamic counsellor, thought it would be a load of rubbish when I started but it is helping me come to terms with my upbringing and self harming. I have been going since Sep. 2010.

Happy to talk about either if anyone needs to.

Previously I tried for hypnotherapy for 12+ sessions and in my experience you come out feeling great but it doesn't last.
I have also had counseling through most high school, which is why I was so downbeat about psychodynamic counseling.
A couple of thoughts - I wonder if the gender of the psych makes a difference for some people, I know I felt more comfortable with a female.

Also, when I researched for a good psych for a family member recently, I found online a listing of all the local psychs, what they specialised in and their fees; it was particularly useful to know what they specialised in and therefore were hopefully good at treating


Well-known member
Yes, off and on since I was a small child. Unfortunately, it hasn't been very effective. While it's nice to have someone to talk to, I've never gotten any real treatment or help out of it. The town I live in is incredibly crappy. No good therapist wants to stay here. Even though I don't blame them for that reason, it's still sad for patients that truly need help.


Well-known member
No, not yet. I haven't had the courage to go get any specific help for my SA. I don't think I'd feel comfortable talking to a stranger about all my issues =/


Well-known member
I was in CBT for a few weeks right before I decided to change universities and my major. I knew it wasn't going to work for the simple fact that I hated the campus I was on and I assumed the campus counselors wanted me to stay. Plus, it was free consoling so a lot of the surveys ect. were outdated. It was a bad experience overall for me because I knew what I needed to change and I'm not one to have someone hold my hand while I do it. If anything it made my anxiety worst b/c I felt like I was being forced to express myself. There were even days I didn't want to share my feeling because I didn't want to bring my therapist down with my negativity. (Just like my moms clients have done with her in the past.) It's cool if it worked for you, but I hated therapy.

Actually, if anything has helped me it would be this forum. I have a lot more trust in people that have experienced SA first hand.
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Well-known member
I have done therapy/medication combos a few times here and there, but never found a therapist I really clicked with. Also, I never really received any help beyond what I could have found confiding in a good friend, without having to pay big fees. For me, I think the larger hurdle has been to develop the courage to be myself and do what I feel is best for me. I like to handle my own problems.