Guys who cry?


Well-known member
Okay, yeah, now I see what you mean. If a girl truly liked their man, then she wouldn't care if he cried occasionally, as it shows he is human and he can break down. It might even be a source of comfort for her, too, knowing that he can actually get to that stage.

However, I will say that if he was to cry all the time over nothing, then that is a problem. Just like men who dislike women who are too emotional, it is the same the other way. Nothing wrong with sensitivity, but there's a line that needs to be drawn. Don't literally cry over spilled milk, I suppose. :)
I am speechless to read everything that you wrote lions.
I am happy that their are girls like you out there that don't discriminate. I have heard this in my entire life that don't be a pussy, don't be too sensitive and people laugh. Happy to read your post. Thanks for writing it. :)


Well-known member
First, I want to state that the women wanting a sensitive man thing is total BS. That is one of those misconceptions about what a woman wants. It's sounds good when it's said (that women want a sensitive man) and makes the women look more noble when it's said, but their actions don't support it. Some may disagree with me, but that's what I believe.

About men crying, there are times when it's accepted. In the Louisville basketball game where Kevin Ware broke his leg, Russ Smith cried like a baby and nobody ever questioned him. It was understood, and that's the only time a guy can cry and get away with it, when it's understood. Death obviously is another example of when a guy can cry.

I've never seen the stigma around male crying as a problem for me personally except for one time. The one thing that is dumb about the "guys can't cry" thing is when a woman rejects us, even if she was our g/f, we are just supposed to act like it doesn't bother us, and if we cry we are seen as desperate. I hate that stigma so much because it's such a double-standard because if a woman cries because her b/f rejected her it's totally ok and accepted.


Well-known member
Crying is natural, sex barriers are wrong, just wrong
I would cry if I feel like it but for some reason I cannot, even when I feel like it


Well-known member
Ocean Mist, yeah I know how the majority of women like their men to be as hard as a rock that won't crack. I am what others considered weird because I don't like the unreal "idealistic" knight of armor type of guys. Girls can like that sort of thing, nothing's wrong with that (unless they have a problem with whom I like in a person) but still, I believe that men, guys, and boys who are emotional have it too hard for themselves. I just hate how emotions of a person have to be limited towards the expectations of serious problems. That's complete bull to me. Maybe some girls aren't too discriminate like that about guys, still I think as just as much for a girl who needs to cry, I think guys should be allowed too no matter what it can be. But yeah, I can see what you're saying in your messages. It's a very confusing world out there.


Well-known member
Aww thank you so much sweetie. I'm glad you have taken the time to read my post. It's nice to know there are actually some girls out there that don't follow society's ideal men expectations.
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Well-known member
Not that I disagree with that, however, I still do believe guys are pretty much different no matter how more one is composed to the other or how how one is more capable of holding back tears well. I guess it's all a matter of opinion like I said, some people just like/believe different things than others. But I respect it.


Well-known member
I saw on the news last night the story of the boy who was killed by his "friends" in a remote part of Russia because he was gay. The victim's father denied the boy was gay and said that there was no such thing as homosexuality. Homosexuality has been legal in Russia for 20 years.

I despair at the world we live in. Are we actually making any progess or are we going backwards?


Well-known member
I like a guy who can openly cry, show emotion. I don't like "rocks".
Rocks are cool. My favourite is obsidian.

I can't openly cry a lot. I just tend to show it in other ways, like depression. I suppose that's far worse because it's a lot more passive-aggressive and ongoing.


Super Moderator
^ That's why reggaeton would make you both cry. I swear I'd pay to see your reactions in person, guys.


Well-known member
Yeah I agree, in society most people frown upon men who cry or show their emotions. To be honest I love men who are more willing to be open with themselves and not the typical macho man type. Always been drawn to men who are creative or who write poetry, a man who's open minded and not black or white. It's very rare to come across people who are like this, I even call men beautiful if I find them to be very attractive. People give me raised eyebrows but everyone thinks differently about this. Interesting topic.