

I don't know if god excists. but there is something more then only this.
But if he excists ,i'm really thankful to him.
although i have social anxiety, still life's beautiful!

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
Its awesome to read everyone's posts. As a kid, I thought of God as some sort of loving father who answers your prayers who had a plan. It was a comfort and I tried to ignore how there wasnt much rhyme or reason in the way things turned out in life. My own father died when I was a baby so as a kid I was pretty obsessed about the possibility of a heavenly father. I thought if i was good enough he'd start talking back to me when i prayed. I guess i should be greatful he didnt. Otherwise I'd have bigger problems than sa! Havin such high hopes set me up for disappointment. Reading the bible helps a lot though, because God isnt exactly a sweetheart or holding anybody's hand in the Bible just like in real life, but there is still a lot of faith, love, and complete belief in the Bible anyway.Sorry about the long post, Its neat to see everyones different beliefs.


I sure as hell would like to believe. It would make a lot of things in life easier to swallow. I'm not sure how SA could be considered a gift though.


Well-known member
i dont know what to believe. There just seems to be too many religeons and so much of it seems so farfetched and unbelievable. THOUGH I FEEL THAT IF GOD DOES EXST THEN I MUST HAVE ALREADY DIED AND GONE TO HELL


Well-known member
I'm an atheist. I regard the existence of a god as possible but unlikely, and in either case I reject the formalized worship of the inherently unknowable.

I think believing in God in a general, universal-creator sense is just fine, but when religions become so bold as to claim to know 'his' moral code, favorite color, and preferred day of the week, the whole thing becomes rather ridiculous.


I can either believe in nothing for eternity (which if you think about it, really sucks) or an everlasting afterlife :confused:

To be honest, I would worship Ronald McDonald if he could guarantee immortality.
Wow I had literally just stumbled upon a powerful metaphor for the absence of God in our lives before I read this post. The Mbuti pygmies are an indigenous people of the Congo. They consider the forest to be their great protector and provider and believe that it is a sacred place. They sometimes call the forest “mother” or “father.” An important ritual that impacts the Bambuti's life is referred to as molimo. After events such as death of an important person in the tribe, molimo is noisily celebrated to wake the forest, in the belief that if bad things are happening to its children, it must be asleep.

This is a people who were hunted and eaten by both sides of the Second Congo War as they were considered subhuman and some said consumption of their flesh could give magical power. Their land is now under threat from deforestation, gold mining, plantations, agriculturalists, and efforts to conserve the forests which is threatening their food supply.

I'm pretty certain the forest is asleep and won't wake up.


Well-known member
i am not religious.But i believe that there is a power bigger than human.I dont like to call it God cause this word is so missunderstanded and sometimes also interpreted as a guy.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
I can either believe in nothing for eternity (which if you think about it, really sucks) or an everlasting afterlife :confused:

To be honest, I would worship Ronald McDonald if he could guarantee immortality.

I dont know if i did the quote thingy right, but I've got to admit I got a kick out of this post. I'm with you there, it is the king's last argument. (dorky history joke) im sorry


Well-known member
"GOD", its only a word, a glorified word that represents power greater than no other. In reality it doesn't exist. Men made god, not the other way around. Its' just a psychological choice, a lot of people are brainwashed since childhood, and as they grow up they don't wanna let go of the things that they were taught. Taught to believe in JESUS, Buddha, Vishnu, or Kim Jong 2(holy korean leader), lol who ever ur god is. These ideas are there to provide a false sense of hope and security and for taking away ur money. To me, the whole concept of "God" is comical, we might as well be calling him "Satan", since the bastard never shows up. Think about it, if so called god showed up once in a while, people would have no problem believing in him, but no he wants to "test" their loyalty. ****ing sounds like Voldemort to me.


Well-known member
"GOD", its only a word, a glorified word that represents power greater than no other. In reality it doesn't exist. Men made god, not the other way around. Its' just a psychological choice, a lot of people are brainwashed since childhood, and as they grow up they don't wanna let go of the things that they were taught. Taught to believe in JESUS, Buddha, Vishnu, or Kim Jong 2(holy korean leader), lol who ever ur god is. These ideas are there to provide a false sense of hope and security and for taking away ur money. To me, the whole concept of "God" is comical, we might as well be calling him "Satan", since the bastard never shows up. Think about it, if so called god showed up once in a while, people would have no problem believing in him, but no he wants to "test" their loyalty. ****ing sounds like Voldemort to me.
Alright, tucktick, then explain deism.
All it takes is a few thoughts to realize religion is bullshit. Its really disgusting when you think about it.

And another thing, I dont need to be part of a religion to be a good person.

"When I do right I feel right, when I do wrong, I feel wrong. That is my religion."


Staff member
oh god not another religious debate :/

can people put thier arguments across without being insulting please


Well-known member
May I also suggest that if anyone's up for discussing relgion in-depth, they're perfectly welcome to come over to Richard Dawkins' Forum? I'm over there as Satine.

Most of us are atheists over there, but there's a lot of awareness on the forum about religious issues and you're sure to have interesting coversations over there.


Well-known member
I don't believe in god, especially not a personal god. It's hard to believe that there is a god helping people with daily events (many times insignificant events from the stories that I hear), whereas at the same time everyday an untold number of kids are exploited or sold into slavery, innocent people are murdered, etc..

I do think that a higher power/intelligence exists in the universe or at least did at some point in time. With the billions of solar systems in a galaxy multiplied by the billions of galaxies in the universe, over billions of years of time, it seems highly probable to say the least.

The existence of humans is nothing more than a millisecond in the timeline of the universe, on a planet that is like a grain of sand on a beach. Yet many people believe that we are somehow important in the scheme of things and that there is a god helping us. Our species will come and go just like many others before us have.


u shouldnt blame jesus for you problems, he was generous enough to give you life, as for problems they are my burdens to bare, do u really think we came from monkeys or sum shit like that, jesus is real he was a real person so dont try to deny it