

Well-known member
Same here; I kinda have mixed feeling about "God", too. I wanna believe it exists, but deep down, I don't believe in it. For one thing, there's too many religions. WHICH God are ppl referring to when they say "God"??? While there are some things that I wish I could change about myself and life, my life really isn't all that bad. I have my health. I have a brother and a sister, and two parents who love me to death. There's a lot of ppl in this world who are A LOT worse off than me. I try not to think so selfishly, because I know my life could be a lot worse. But when I see ppl born with all sorts diseases and deformaties, I do question why a "loving" god would put a person through so much. I wasn't brought up in the church. I've only been to church 4 times in my entire life. I guess this also why I never too much believed in gods, though I never said it aloud.


Well-known member
What are your thoughts on God? Does He give you strength to fight social anxiety or do you feel abandoned or angry? What part does He play in your life? I really want to know what everyone else thinks. What about the idea of some kind of divine plan?

As for me, I'm pretty mixed about it all. I'd really like to believe, and alot of times I do and sometimes I dont.

God plays as much a role as Thor or Zeus does, zero. Putting God in the equation just starts problems (why pain, death, disease, etc), but when you remove a God figure, everything actually starts making sense. You don't need to do the weird sorts of mental and moral contortions to justify these bad things.

I think it makes anxiety much simpler as a concept; it isn't some mysterious deity that wants to whip you, its a problem in your head. Anxiety has a cause, a worldly cause, and lets work on that. If you read the explanations why there are things like anxiety, you'll get a response that God wants to strengthen us because he loves us. That's like much an abusive parent beating their child to show the child how much he loves them. At best, that's immoral. Isn't it much more likely that God isn't sitting up there thinking of ways to "strengthen" you and it's just a product of a material world? Try to see the World as what it is, and take out all the God questions and dilemmas and contradictions, and I think you'll see that God gives more problems than he solves.

Putting faith in God strengthens some people mentally to continue on, but that doesn't mean someone can't use any other faith system or any other self empowering system to do the same thing. I don't think God is anything special, a person might rely on God, but that doesn't mean God exists anywhere but their head.


Well-known member
if we are from apes and apes and humans both exist today then if that were true there would exist humans at different stages of ape evolution. Since this doesn't exist and there are no half man half ape(or anywhere in-between) the whole ape ancestry sounds like bullshit.

What you are looking for is US,we share a lot of things with other great apes,but still have different things,also the apes of today are ONLY our cousins,our ancestors dont exist anymore.


I am agnostic and have been all my life.
I don't believe that if there is a god or gods they would help you out now, if you make changes you can't hope some ghost will magically solve all your problems for you, simply doesn't work like that.
As for being 'spiritual' I've always wondered what that means anyway?
The idea of god commonly held by most of the population is scary within itself. God deserves no such status & no such praise in which his devoted sheep place absolute blinding faith. The human race needs to evolve to the next step in evolution, leaving behind the idea of god. The universe is a brilliant magnificent playground in which we have limited time to explore and fully understand. We should embrace the beautiful combination that resulted in the big bag. We should feel honoured to feel alive and to feel emotion, whether it is negative or positive, it’s still human experience. The problem with most religions is the lack of understanding in the universe of today & the science within it to the point where arrogance becomes reverence. Science can explain so much, can even explain why people worship, intimidating those that believe. For instead of studying the universe in which some believe to be Gods territory, scientists turn inwards to the human mind. This in turn makes the believer stronger and more adamant about his/ her beliefs. There’s nothing wrong in believing in a godless universe, in fact, it makes it more of a mysterious place to live & exist. Religion is stagnating in its own dogma and should get with the times to reassess what it truly stands for.
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Well-known member
I believe in God. I can't imagine that everything came into being out of nothing. That doesn't make sense at all to me. As to giving strength, I don't really practice my religion, and I don't do enough to overcome my social anxiety and depression either. Even though I believe in God, in the end we are responsible for our own (in)actions. I guess I'm not trying hard enough to overcome this illness, so I can't expect everything from God. But I will admit that God is the only reason that I'm alive today. I would have probably killed myself years ago, if I didn't believe in Him and in an afterlife.
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God created man in his own image. Then our god asked whose image he resembled. Moreover, god’s god asked the same question upon hearing our god. Then our god's god god asked the same. :)


Well-known member
Am pretty much the same as you. I believed in God for a while, but now i;m starting to doubt myself. Either way, i think if God wanted us to belive in him, he'd send some kind of sign. I'd rather just believe in being a good person, it's simpler!


I remember watching a Discovery channel documentary on Evolution in a time when Man is long since extinct.

In the show it presents many creatures that just happen to have evolved very CONVENIENT abilities. One such bug needed to kill off a bird that was hunting it so it transformed with other bugs into this perfect mech that looked like a flower that was way bigger and over powered its predator. Another was a bird that needed a acid shooting cannon out of its beak to fight off its predator and just happened to have one?

If this were true then why don't Torontonians develop bullet proof bodies so they can face their predators, gangbangers. Or why don't the common flight traveler grow wings so that he can face his predator(the high altitude and distance to the ground)????

Evolving things you WANT just seems ridiculous to me.

Reiji Moritsugu

Well-known member
"Does god want to stop evil, but cannot?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able to stop evil, yet does not want to?
Then he is evil himself.
Is he able and wants to stop evil?
Then why is evil present in the world?
Assuming he neither wants nor is able to,
Why are we giving the title of god to
someone who clearly does not deserve it?"

Don´t remember where I originally read this...but it is logical and to the point; and no, I don´t believe in those "god is making us suffer as a test of faith" things either.

To each their own, I guess.


Well-known member
I believe in God. However, I do not believe that he is a puppet master controlling the hardships individual people and groups of people face in their everyday lives. I have always felt that that would suggest he is an evil and vengeful God, which I just don't believe.

For example, why would God make some children born healthy, while other children are born with diseases and deformities? I don't believe that God picks and chooses like that.

However, there are some special people on Earth who sometimes I do get a thought of "I wonder if God put this person on the Earth to bring joy to others." Personal examples of people like this are Stephen Colbert and David Archuleta. They are celebrities (a comedian and a singer) who I love and admire and they seem like such nice, genuine, kind-hearted people, and they bring a lot of entertainment and joy into my life (and the lives of other fans), so sometimes I do wonder how they got to be so special.


Well-known member
god and me have a great relationship, i obey the laws of common sense and god does what god does
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I remember watching a Discovery channel documentary on Evolution in a time when Man is long since extinct.

In the show it presents many creatures that just happen to have evolved very CONVENIENT abilities. One such bug needed to kill off a bird that was hunting it so it transformed with other bugs into this perfect mech that looked like a flower that was way bigger and over powered its predator. Another was a bird that needed a acid shooting cannon out of its beak to fight off its predator and just happened to have one?

If this were true then why don't Torontonians develop bullet proof bodies so they can face their predators, gangbangers. Or why don't the common flight traveler grow wings so that he can face his predator(the high altitude and distance to the ground)????

Evolving things you WANT just seems ridiculous to me.

Evolution doesn’t happen overnight, it takes millions years. If you were to step on that armoured bug, you would squish it. The only defence it has against you is its camouflage. People whom can’t get there head around evolution underrate just how complex the matter matrix is in the universe. Even if god was real, he had to evolve so he could create the universe. And if that was the case, he’s nothing special, just one advanced alien out of many in the multi-verse. Do you know that our universe could be within another universe? Look at your fingertip and imagine millions of universes upon it. Not so significant now, are we.


+1 for atheism

as for aliens well i think its defo possible, wouldnt be supprised if there was life out there considering the size of the universe and the time its been around. wish science knew more about how life began on earth.
Nobody knows if God exists or not...To say you know God exists, or know god doesn't exist, or believe god exists, or believe god doesn't exist is what I would call "kidding yourself"
