

Well-known member

The same Jesus/god you're saying gave us life put ebola, AIDS, cancer, paedophilia, rape and many other rather nasty things on this earth for us to deal with.

And yes, we are descended from apes. Try doing some research on evolution.



The same Jesus/god you're saying gave us life put ebola, AIDS, cancer, paedophilia, rape and many other rather nasty things on this earth for us to deal with.

And yes, we are descended from apes. Try doing some research on evolution.

all things we created, aids is a std, god sais not to have premaratal sex we wouldnt have this if people fooled around with everything they can get there hands on, if u have read the bible there are such things as sin (rape),yes apes may be are cousins in some sort but dont tell me i came from a ape, did u expect to live in a pretty perfect world where nothing goes wrong, hes testing everyday we live and the good will survive and the evil will fall
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Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
Iron, if you read the Bible you know that evil existed before the first person (Eve) sinned. Hence the serpent. So, no. Evil isnt our creation. That would be giving us too much credit. It would involve creating something out of nothing, and only one guy can do that.
I like to knit pick at the details for fun, but all i care about is the big picture. relax and stay away from toasters.


Well-known member
I guess you'd call me "agnostic". I think god's existence is pretty damned unlikely, but I'm not completely ruling out the faint possibility. I'll just find out when I die, I guess. At any rate, I'm not going to worry about it. Maybe by the dictionary term, agnosticism would just be a subdivision of atheism, as in the end, agnostics still don't believe in god. For me, "belief" doesn't figure into it. I'm not going to make a leap of faith. I'm just not the type to do that. It's what I know that I go on. And since when it comes to weather or not god exists, I really can't know anything for certain, I'm just not going to bother thinking about it. I'll enjoy my life now and maybe find these things out when I die.

And FYI, I don't bring this stuff up in conversation. I'm not one of those hateful atheists, though I can see why they are angry.
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Well-known member
all things we created, aids is a std, god sais not to have premaratal sex we wouldnt have this if people fooled around with everything they can get there hands on,

There are married couples in Africa where both members of the couple are HIV-positive, and use of condoms is frowned upon.

if u have read the bible there are such things as sin (rape),

a)I have read it, and
b) what is your point?

yes apes may be are cousins in some sort but dont tell me i came from a ape,

Why not? Because you don't want to have a bloodline that began with apes? Doesn't make it any less true. I wanted there to be fairies at the bottom of my garden when I was 5, but wishing they were there didn't make them turn up. Is your statement any different?

did u expect to live in a pretty perfect world where nothing goes wrong,

No. But I do live in a world my ancestors have survived in and that suggests to me that I can, too. The world isn't perfect, but it's one I fit in well.

hes testing everyday we live and the good will survive and the evil will fall

Good will survive and evil will fall? Right. So why are innocents killed in wars? Why did Hitler manage to kill?
Maybe the losers really win though.

Ask yourself, is it better to be the murdered or the murderer?

I think that's a big part of the Jesus philosophy: "Blessed are the meek."
Shame in modern society he has basically taken on the status of an invisible best friend.

And if there is a God, why did he decide on making a food chain?
Unless we're in a giant coliseum for His amusement I can't see how the orgy of death and sex that forms life could be considered to have an intelligent designer.
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I believe in God and I hate his guts for bringing me into this world. Hes done nothing but cause depression and misery to me.


if we are from apes and apes and humans both exist today then if that were true there would exist humans at different stages of ape evolution. Since this doesn't exist and there are no half man half ape(or anywhere in-between) the whole ape ancestry sounds like bullshit.


Well-known member
What are your thoughts on God? Does He give you strength to fight social anxiety or do you feel abandoned or angry? What part does He play in your life? I really want to know what everyone else thinks. What about the idea of some kind of divine plan?

As for me, I'm pretty mixed about it all. I'd really like to believe, and alot of times I do and sometimes I dont.

I definitely believe in God's existence. I believe that he would love and value me even if no one else in the world would. Praying is very therapeutical for me. I do ask God to help me find strength within myself because I want to progress and become a better, happier person, but I do not expect him to create miracles or to cure my problems. I have to take the responsibility.
Now, I'm not a pious person, I do not attend church and I do not read the bible.

I still find comfort in God and I do not get angry at him as I used to. I praise and thank him for all the good that I have in my life even if I am in tears. Gratitude even in the worst times gives me a feeling of peace.

I have met a few Christians who let Christ's teachings inspire them to be truly good, but I think those people are kind, nurturing and understanding by nature.The majority of Christian church goers who I've met were just as mean, judgemental and unforgiving as anyone else. It seems as though some people believe themselves to be righteous just because they go to church or believe in God. They fool themselves into believing that they can do no evil because they are God fearing. The religious kids in school with the exception of two girls were phony, elitist and very judgemental.

How can you truly love, trust and respect someone or something you fear? That never made any sense to me. I am not afraid of God's judgment as I am of people's judgment because I know he will be fair and he will love me regardless. His love is truly unconditional as a parent's love should be.


Well-known member

The same Jesus/god you're saying gave us life put ebola, AIDS, cancer, paedophilia, rape and many other rather nasty things on this earth for us to deal with.

And yes, we are descended from apes. Try doing some research on evolution.

LOL. Good cannot exist without evil. Many of the evil things that happen on earth are challenges that we have been given to overcome even if some of those are very horrible. Without evil we cannot truly appreciate good.

I believe in God but I do believe in evolution as well. I am not a bible (it was written by people and people are normally full of shit) enthusiast and I am not a church goer(in my experience many are self-righteous, hostile, intolerant, judgmetal, phony, neither understanding nor forgiving), but when I do think of evolution and all the natural wonders on this earth I can easily believe that they are essentially the work of God. Everything on earth is miraculous. Look at the complexity and wonder of the human body alone! How about conception and procreation? To me our evolution and our existence prove that God exists. It makes a lot of sense to me.

I do believe that God has given us free will and both the good and the bad things that we do are a testament to that. I do not believe that he will punish us for using our free will. I believe that we are here to experience life and all the good and bad that come with it and to learn important lessons.

I have only met a handful of Christians that were genuinely good people. The difference between them and the hypocrites is they do not believe themselves to be righteous just because they attend church or read the bible. That alone does not make a person good. I'm not trying to signal out Christians. I just haven't had many experiences with people of other religions other than Muslims and I can tell you right now that good is good and shit is shit regardless of religious belief or lack thereof.


Well-known member
I believe in God and I hate his guts for bringing me into this world. Hes done nothing but cause depression and misery to me.

Really? You believe that God has signaled you out for misery and depression? I think your parent were more responsible for bringing you into this world than God. I'm not saying you should hate your parents or put the blame on anyone else for your problems.


Really? You believe that God has signaled you out for misery and depression? I think your parent were more responsible for bringing you into this world than God. I'm not saying you should hate your parents or put the blame on anyone else for your problems.

I hate them for it too but I hate God because hes claimed to have created me.


Well-known member
"GOD", its only a word, a glorified word that represents power greater than no other. In reality it doesn't exist. Men made god, not the other way around. Its' just a psychological choice, a lot of people are brainwashed since childhood, and as they grow up they don't wanna let go of the things that they were taught. Taught to believe in JESUS, Buddha, Vishnu, or Kim Jong 2(holy korean leader), lol who ever ur god is. These ideas are there to provide a false sense of hope and security and for taking away ur money. To me, the whole concept of "God" is comical, we might as well be calling him "Satan", since the bastard never shows up. Think about it, if so called god showed up once in a while, people would have no problem believing in him, but no he wants to "test" their loyalty. ****ing sounds like Voldemort to me.

I do believe that there have been many who have used God to take advantage of believers. Whether God or Jesus are real or not, they have inspired much goodness in people. What is wrong with giving someone a sense of hope and security? It may not be true to you but that doesn't mean that it has to be false to those who truly believe.


Well-known member
I sure as hell would like to believe. It would make a lot of things in life easier to swallow. I'm not sure how SA could be considered a gift though.

Thank you for the question. It is a very good question. It has given me a lot to think about. In my opinion SA is a gift in that it makes you more sensitive and perceptive to other's feelings. Because of the way I feel and because of the way I have been treated (which has led me to have SA) I know not to treat others unkindly or without respect. I am aware of the influence I may have on others. I don't want for my actions, words or behaviors to lead others to have SA or worse.

Now that I think about it. I'm afraid of rejection, dissapointment and being hurt, but without it I would not know how to properly treat other human beings. So this is why I should welcome it rather than fearfully avoiding it. Had you not asked the question you did I would not have come to this conclusion. To me this along with the fact that the original topic is about God makes a lot of sense. Thanks again!
"GOD", its only a word, a glorified word that represents power greater than no other. In reality it doesn't exist. Men made god, not the other way around. Its' just a psychological choice, a lot of people are brainwashed since childhood, and as they grow up they don't wanna let go of the things that they were taught. Taught to believe in JESUS, Buddha, Vishnu, or Kim Jong 2(holy korean leader), lol who ever ur god is. These ideas are there to provide a false sense of hope and security and for taking away ur money. To me, the whole concept of "God" is comical, we might as well be calling him "Satan", since the bastard never shows up. Think about it, if so called god showed up once in a while, people would have no problem believing in him, but no he wants to "test" their loyalty. ****ing sounds like Voldemort to me.

GAH!!! Buddha is NOT A GOD!!!!! Just a man who achieved eternal happiness and wanted to teach other people how to :mad: and same goes for Jesus!!!

Anyway, I definitely believe there is a "higher power". For a human to believe that they are even among the highest powers in the universe is EXTREMELY selfish, egotistical and ignorant. Is he/she/it helping me? Maybe...

But I've learned a certain Hindu meditation technique that's supposed to manifest whatever you want. And to my surprise it actually seems to work! (to an extent) Oh god I sound like I'm advertising now :(
if we are from apes and apes and humans both exist today then if that were true there would exist humans at different stages of ape evolution. Since this doesn't exist and there are no half man half ape(or anywhere in-between) the whole ape ancestry sounds like bullshit.

We aren't descended from the apes we see around us. We share a common ancestor with them.

Anyway, evolution is clearly visible. You've presumably seen different dog breeds about. Many of these are selectively bred by humans who choose dogs with the attributes they like and breed them together so that the attribute is passed on to the next generation. Through repeated use of this you end up with new dogs that have very little in common with their predecessors. That's the basic principle of evolution.

A similar force is at work within nature except attributes which help the animal survive being the ones that get passed on (such as the greater intelligence that was and is so helpful to human survival).

Here's a video about pigeon breeders that will show evolution in action with some crazy looking pigeons:
YouTube - Pigeons