

Nobody knows if God exists or not...To say you know God exists, or know god doesn't exist, or believe god exists, or believe god doesn't exist is what I would call "kidding yourself"


that depends on how you define god, if god is a guy who you can pray to and he will listen to and grant your wishes occasionaly then its pretty safe to say god doesnt exist i think.


Well-known member
as for aliens well i think its defo possible, wouldnt be supprised if there was life out there considering the size of the universe and the time its been around. wish science knew more about how life began on earth.
Science can't explain how life began because life can't begin out of nothing. Nothing can come into existance out of nothing. There has to be a Creator IMO. I can't imagine there not being a Creator. It just doesn't make sense.


Well-known member
Evolution and science can explain man kind but no GOD. There is no supreme person in this world.


Well-known member
I'm an atheist, I can't believe in god because it just doesn't make sense to me..

But if you are able to believe, then I think it can only help. Believing that someone's watching over you and that this is all part of a grand plan and everything will turn out for good in the end can't hurt.

Ignorance is bliss.

Second that.