Gamers thread


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Sure Niko wasn't a fun character, but I don't play GTA for the story anyway, haha. I mainly just like the driving in GTA, I much prefer it to any actual racing game...I dunno GTA just has a certain feel to it's driving that is awesome. Plus, cop chases. I have sat and spent a good 2-3 hours in 1 massive cop chase, going all over the map, all started because I didn't like the service at a hot dog vendor. Many hundreds dead, dozens of cars wrecked, all for nothing. Great :)

Totally agree. Saints Row may be a bit more fun in the shooting aspect, but it can't hold a candle to the driving physics and car damage of GTA. I used to really own at online racing in GTA. The realistic damage made it so much more fun and challenging. I'll be near the front of the line at the midnight release when the new one comes out.


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I play GTA for the "experience". I like to feel like I'm in that world. From the setting, to the characters, to the music on the radio, to the celebrity cameos. I like the immersion, and playing the whole game out. Not just crashing into things lol. Thats fun too of course, but even some of that was missing in IV. I want to fly helicopters again so Im glad it looks like they're back.
SR: The 3rd > GTA IV

I'm predicting:
GTA V > SR: The 3rd

I suspect that assumption is about right. GTA V looks to be amazing (even the size of the landscape alone has me excited).


I hope though that they bring back all the little fun screw-around elements that they added in San Andreas. And that it has a more compelling story then GTA IV.

Because that was really one of my biggest objections with GTA IV. It looked amazing, the city is very realistic (albeit restrictive), and the cars drove very much like hefty cars, and all that, but the story was just so mind numbingly boring. And they took all the fun little quirks out. I rather loved being able to jump in a forklift and flip cars over, or to be able to move the loader on certain trucks even though it had no purpose outside missions.

And I also didn't like Nico as a main character. They make him out to be this likeable and gentle natured guy, but then 20 seconds later you can accidentally run over 40+ people without it having any sort of consequence (other then cops, whom you can easily get rid of). At least Claude, Tommy and CJ were (more) believable as rampaging psychopaths. I felt that Nico had some mixed messages in his character design.

I've tried several times to get through GTA IV, I was one of the people whom pre-ordered it, but to this day I haven't been able to finish it because it's just not as compelling.

I really hope GTA V is better. It does appear to be from the surface of the trailer.
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WWE '13! :bat:

It's out TODAY in the United Kingdom; I pre-ordered from Amazon, so it might not arrive until Monday, but I can't wait. Not that I have a choice lol. I'm not big on games, but I used to get all of THQ's WWE ones, up until WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2008. I lost the interest in wrestling, but four years on I'm as into it as I ever was - so there's no time like the present to check up on the games. This game looks like the best one to date, with the best roster and the best story mode. My brother and me always liked the 2-player matches, and as before, I'm calling dibbs on the Undertaker.

We had a one-on-one bout the other night, on '2008 (the Undertaker vs. Rey Mysterio), and we were both a bit rusty - him more so, as I beat him by pinfall in about two minutes, haha. Five years on, Smackdown vs Raw 2008 shows its age, but WWE '13 looks incredible.



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Did anyone have different opinions of GTA IV and it's expansions? I been feeling more like playing Lost and the Damned, and particularly The Ballad of... because it looks more oldschool GTA.


Well-known member
Did anyone have different opinions of GTA IV and it's expansions? I been feeling more like playing Lost and the Damned, and particularly The Ballad of... because it looks more oldschool GTA.

Personally, I really liked the lost and the damned, but wasn't that fond of the ballad of gay tony. I especially hated the helicopter mission. Flying in gta games is an absolute nightmare, especially helicopters.
Just got Halo 4 in the mail. The special edition came with several cool things, amongst which the game in a white metallic UNSC case and several fictional letters and mission briefings related the story. It all came in a military looking pouch. Really cool.


I'll try it out later. Exciting. ;D
I've played a bit of Halo 4, and it's amazing. 343 Studios seems to be well aware of what they're doing. I feel that it plays a lot nicer and does a much better job at capturing the excitement of the situation. It's a proper adventure now while at the same time not compromising the old Halo quirks that were awesome. It feels like a modern Combat Evolved.


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They're building a new subway line here and passing it today made me wanna build something huge and magnificent in Minecraft lol.