Gamers thread

Whoa, free trial to GW2? I heard it was pretty good, but I'm not much of a fan of MMOs. Angry Joe gave it a great score and I cherish his opinion.


Active member
I've played a bit of Halo 4, and it's amazing. 343 Studios seems to be well aware of what they're doing. I feel that it plays a lot nicer and does a much better job at capturing the excitement of the situation. It's a proper adventure now while at the same time not compromising the old Halo quirks that were awesome. It feels like a modern Combat Evolved.

It was ok. The graphics and art design looked amazing but the campaign was way too short. Only took me like 4 hours on normal.


Well-known member
Finished building my roller coaster in Minecraft. Also built two underwater houses, dug to the center of the earth several times, built a random tunnel through a mountain and laid down rails,attacked some squids,and made a very small island.
It was ok. The graphics and art design looked amazing but the campaign was way too short. Only took me like 4 hours on normal.

4 hours? That's rather quick. I've played for at least that long and just now got to the part with the Infinity.

Don't tell me how close I am to the end from there, though. I'd rather not know..


Well-known member
I really wish I could get into the Halo series. I've only played most of the 1st but the enemies always sounded too Ewok and the vibe not as adult as I want it to be.


Well-known member
I started a survival world in minecraft. Spent an hour trying to find some sheep so I could get some wool to make a bed. Found one sheep, but then I fell into a lava flow exploring a cave. I died and lost all my stuff. I then spent another half hour trying to find that same lava flow, only to discover all my stuff burned. Then I fell into it again.
I started a survival world in minecraft. Spent an hour trying to find some sheep so I could get some wool to make a bed. Found one sheep, but then I fell into a lava flow exploring a cave. I died and lost all my stuff. I then spent another half hour trying to find that same lava flow, only to discover all my stuff burned. Then I fell into it again.

Wow, that is not a good day in Minecraft. Lmao.
Since we're on the topic of Minecraft, I frequent this one server and one of the things they did was a Minecraft chain game kinda thing. One person will start a Minecraft map and play the game for... a day maybe? Maybe more, and then they'd upload their map for the next person to play on the map for the same amount of time. Then we just keep going down the chain, watching how the world changes. Screenshots would be cool too. Dunno if we could do something like that, I'd be down. Anyone interested?


Well-known member
Since we're on the topic of Minecraft, I frequent this one server and one of the things they did was a Minecraft chain game kinda thing. One person will start a Minecraft map and play the game for... a day maybe? Maybe more, and then they'd upload their map for the next person to play on the map for the same amount of time. Then we just keep going down the chain, watching how the world changes. Screenshots would be cool too. Dunno if we could do something like that, I'd be down. Anyone interested?

From the one who said Minecraft was dead? :eek: Shocking haha
Just teasing.

I've never played PC or group Minecraft, and haven't played it much either. It is very relaxing, although I find the music on the 360 version kind of depressing lol. Like that one song in Skyrim I always mute lol
From the one who said Minecraft was dead? :eek: Shocking haha
Just teasing.

I've never played PC or group Minecraft, and haven't played it much either. It is very relaxing, although I find the music on the 360 version kind of depressing lol. Like that one song in Skyrim I always mute lol

LIES! But yeah, it's a lot more fun with other people.


Well-known member
Played some more minecraft and built a pool house. Also added a glass floor to one of my underwater houses.


Well-known member
Whoa, free trial to GW2? I heard it was pretty good, but I'm not much of a fan of MMOs. Angry Joe gave it a great score and I cherish his opinion.

It's so so. I bought it, and stopped playing after about two weeks. But others like it. *shrugs*

Currently I'm waiting for the new XCom game to be cheaper. I guess that will happen around Christmas, at the steam sale.

Myself, I play these days lots of board games. ^^ On the computer, I play MTGO, WoW, TF2 and Civ5.


Well-known member
All I've been playing lately has been minecraft. I spent over 3 hours building a really big pool house with a jacuzzi and maintenance room.
I actually got Syndicate a few days ago to test that new MAG II controller with.


Syndicate Announce Trailer (HD) - YouTube

I feel that the game is difficult enough on it's own, but with the motion controls of the gun it turns into such a challenge. I rather like Syndicate as a game too. It's gorgeous and more then enough fun through various enemies and mental-breaching methods.

It reminds me of an off-brand Crysis 2 almost.


Well-known member
Does anybody play Starcraft 2? I recently bought it and I must say its rather awesome. :applause:
Just played the final episode of The Walking Dead. So dramatic... I shed manly tears ;_;

I definitely recommend it. It's a point and click game, with a strong emphasis on the story. It's on sale on steam for $12.49. GET IT!