Gamers thread


Well-known member
No point upgrading that. Build a new one. ;) The HD 5870's are ridiculously cheap now since the new gen came out. I would recommend to put a pair of those in Xfire. ;) As CPU the i5 2500K is great to overclock and saves you a lot compared to the 2600K which for gaming is just as good. :)

This. Also, you could wait some months and perhaps the new Intel and AMD cpu's and chipsets will come out, and lower the price of a 2500k build even further. The same possibly also for graphics cards - a new generation of radeon and geforce cards are on the horizon, more discounts for old tech


No point upgrading that. Build a new one. ;)

I wish it was that easy and I had the money to burn. The 5870 is still like £130 here, so I think I will stick to one graphics card at a time ;) Probably go with amd too, intel are faster, but gpu's still do the majority of the work in gaming.

@Deus_ex_lemur, I like your thinking about spreading it out. And yeah unless you play at really high resolutions or multiple monitors it seems like you can get by with mid range. Plus even if you do buy high end stuff, something new is only round the corner. Scary how quick technology changes

Congratulations on your 6850 though, hope it brings you years of good gaming and good frame rates :D

@Mokkat, Yeah have been hearing a lot about the Sandybridge and Bulldozer cpu's. I think waiting probably is the best bet right now. I might just see if I can get a cheap E6xxx or e8xxx series 2nd hand, and a decent graphics card. Then update the mobo/cpu when the new ones come out.

Thanks for the input everyone.


^I just don't know anything about PCs. Like I'm not sure what all those stats and numbers are about or how to tell if you've got the good stuff or the outdated stuff. Someone told me my stuff was crap too, but I cant tell lol. Which is why I tend to stick with consoles.
I am playing la noire and little big planet 2,if you ever get the chance play both,they are some of the most enjoyable games out there.


^I just don't know anything about PCs.

Yeah I don't blame you dude, it is so hard to keep up with the technology. You can't just compare numbers any more either, like cpu clock have multi threading and l2/l3 cache to take into account too.

Gives me a migraine.


Well-known member
I have a problem with buying cheap discounted games. I bought Medal of Honor for PS3 for $20 and played through most of it, but then I downloaded inFAMOUS for free on PSN and have been playing that and will probably not finish it before I start another game. I do this all the time :(


I have a problem with buying cheap discounted games. I bought Medal of Honor for PS3 for $20 and played through most of it, but then I downloaded inFAMOUS for free on PSN and have been playing that and will probably not finish it before I start another game. I do this all the time :(

I'm kinda like that. I get bored or distracted too easily. Then I see a squeal coming out and scramble to finish the previous one.

Is anyone playing Hunted the Demons Forge? What do you think about it?


ARRGGGHHH!!!! People who ruin game endings for me make me furious! Don't they know you're supposed to give a spoiler warning first?! Now my whole weekend is ruined! People like that need to be publicly beaten. :mad:
ARRGGGHHH!!!! People who ruin game endings for me make me furious! Don't they know you're supposed to give a spoiler warning first?! Now my whole weekend is ruined! People like that need to be publicly beaten. :mad:

I find that really annoying. Especially in games, since it takes a lot more effort to get through. They should at least have the decency to add ''SPOILER ALERT'' on top of their spoilers.

Such as,


Bruce Willis was a ghost the entire time.


Well-known member
I have a problem with buying cheap discounted games. I bought Medal of Honor for PS3 for $20 and played through most of it, but then I downloaded inFAMOUS for free on PSN and have been playing that and will probably not finish it before I start another game. I do this all the time :(

Infamous is my favourite ps3 game, you should finish it :). Infamous 2 was amazing as well, it plays and look even better then the first one ( I still prefer the first one because it had a better story and boss fights)

Anyone played Nier? i'm playing it right now and it's pretty good, even though the graphics look like a ps2 game


Well-known member
Too awesome for words.

That was pretty awesome. I've already beat Portal 2 three times. I've gotten to the point where I have all the chambers memorized and can play through the game pretty quickly. On another note, I know I'm late to the party, but I'm thinking about checking out Gears of War. Should I get the first one or just skip it and start with the second one?


On another note, I know I'm late to the party, but I'm thinking about checking out Gears of War. Should I get the first one or just skip it and start with the second one?

You're not the only one, I had just gotten that two pack with both in it only a few months ago. I say theyre both worth playing.


Well-known member
Borderlands GOTY on sale -75% off @ steam for only $7.49.

picking it up now with a friend. heard it's not bad.


Borderlands GOTY on sale -75% off @ steam for only $7.49.

picking it up now with a friend. heard it's not bad.

Me and a friend had some wacky moments in that game. He wont let me drive anymore lol :rolleyes: