Gamers thread


Well-known member
Counter Strike games all -75% off @ steam, ranging from $2.49 individual to $7.49 for the whole package.

good time to pick it up.


Well-known member
I had a very bad WoW addiction once , to the point i would not get up for hours , then i realized i was killing myself , anyways i lost my gaming partner so i stopped playing. Really nice game tho.

I started Borderlands , really nice game !


Well-known member
I had a very bad WoW addiction once , to the point i would not get up for hours , then i realized i was killing myself , anyways i lost my gaming partner so i stopped playing. Really nice game tho.

I started Borderlands , really nice game !

if you use steam, I'll add you and we can play some time (borderlands).


I had a very bad WoW addiction once , to the point i would not get up for hours , then i realized i was killing myself , anyways i lost my gaming partner so i stopped playing. Really nice game tho.

I started Borderlands , really nice game !

You think WoW was bad then you should see it now that Cata is out OMG. They've improved on the game play with actual cinema and all kinds of cool stuff. They also changed a lot of the started areas to tie into the new story. The only reason Im not playing it right now is because of school and I know the power it wields over me.


Well-known member
Never tried WoW. Tried a couple of similar things, like Last Chaos I think it was called, but found them really repetitive and dull.

Much more of a L4D2 kind of person nowadays. Killing zombies and whatnot.


Well-known member
if you use steam, I'll add you and we can play some time (borderlands).
I have the retail version .
I want to finish the game in single player mode first , but thanks for the offer !

I have not tried Cataclysm , it looks very nice . Tigerlilja , i have tried most of the big mmorpg's out there and i always prefered WoW by far , i tought it was a stupid game until i tried it for myself 2 years ago , and became an instant addict .


Well-known member
I have really enjoyed minecraft and terraria lately but became bored real quick because of the lack of content . It would be really funny to have a SPW meeting in an online game such as minecraft , with everyone of this forum !


Well-known member
I currently have an active WoW account on retail, I don't play it much though.

WoW is the most complete mmorpg out here. Lineage II is pretty good as well, but I prefer it as PVP only.

Also, has anyone here tried the new Age of Empires Online? Looks pretty sweet, but I don't like that "premium content" idea, just like F2P mmorpgs.

I think my Sim GF broke up with me o_O

You Sir, made my day. Hahahaha.


Well-known member
I'm playing Borderlands right now , it's a mix of fallout and Wow,

I really like how similar to WoW this game is , there is an incredible variety of weapons .


Well-known member
Metro 2033 on sale -75% off @ steam for only $5.00, lasting the next 6 hours.

won't be purchasing due to lack of multiplayer, but I've heard good things about it.


Well-known member
^ an incredible game , playing it in stereoscopic 3d on my 46" , really creep at times , such an amazing atmosphere , can't wait for last light.


Well-known member
if your rig is capable, there is no excuse for not playing through Metro 2033. The story is solid and intriguing, the gameplay is fun and the graphics and atmosphere are stellar


Well-known member
I'm playing Borderlands right now , it's a mix of fallout and Wow,

I really like how similar to WoW this game is , there is an incredible variety of weapons .

it reminds me a ton of diablo and wow.

According to Gearbox, there are over 17,750,000 different variations of weapons, as of release. The game uses a procedural process to generate its various guns in certain classes

that alone is madness and being an avid FPS/RPG gamer I'm loving it as a direct result.


Well-known member
For the minecraft fans



