Gamers thread



Yeah Enslaved is a good one. Realistic characters, interesting story, and plenty of action. I'm trying Deus Ex Human Revolution right now. And Catherine, which will make you throw your controller through the TV screen >.>


Well-known member
Yeah Enslaved is a good one. Realistic characters, interesting story, and plenty of action. I'm trying Deus Ex Human Revolution right now. And Catherine, which will make you throw your controller through the TV screen >.>

Catherine was loads of miserable fun wasn't it. :rolleyes:


Catherine was loads of miserable fun wasn't it. :rolleyes:

Im not sure what to call it, but I'm only like 25% of the way through it. I just cant do puzzles. For some reason my brain just cant think in 3d easily like some people. Heck Im still not done with Portal 2 x_x


Well-known member
Im not sure what to call it, but I'm only like 25% of the way through it. I just cant do puzzles. For some reason my brain just cant think in 3d easily like some people. Heck Im still not done with Portal 2 x_x

I think Atlus had the right idea in general on how to present a mature game without being overly-exploitive and/or gimmicky -- but the blocks did get a tad reundant (and mind numbingly difficult). ::p:


I think Atlus had the right idea in general on how to present a mature game without being overly-exploitive and/or gimmicky -- but the blocks did get a tad reundant (and mind numbingly difficult). ::p:

I agree, it was nice to see something different too. Seems like every game I see is about a guy with special armor shooting other guys with special armor.


Well-known member
I just finished Borderlands , at level 36.

Was a little short but super fun , i had some very nice weps including a bullet regenerating smg !!

What now ..


Well-known member
Skyrim and the next assassins creed game are both gonna make up for this crappy year. Mass effect 3 will make up for how bad 2012 is gonna be.

I'm also waiting for Uncharted 3, ICO + Shadow of The Colossus (HD Remake), Battlefield 3 and FIFA 12. My wallet is going to suffer. A lot.

For 2012, The Last Guardian.


Well-known member
Arkham City, Dead Island AND BioShock Infinite 4/4 of 2011 and 2012!

Now... if only I could get a job; I'd actually be able to buy rather than just watch. haha


Well-known member
I'm going to lose countless hours of the next twelve months to Skyrim, Mass Effect 3, and Forza 4.


Well-known member
Far Cry and Far Cry 2 (with DLC) on sale @ steam -75% off for $2.49 and $4.99 respectively.

a quintessential FPS gaming experience, imo.