I don't know about you guys, but I've done pretty poorly with this month's goals.
Same here, I'm sorry to say. I wondered if I had set the bar too high, and I guess I did.
• Get the taxes done and out of the way early for once.
Haven't touched 'em. In my defense, however, I only received the last of my 1099s a couple of days ago. I still have a month and a half, so no worries there. :thumbup:
• Read at least one good book.
That hasn't happened either. I did finish the one I started back in January, but I'm not sure it counts as a
good book. I managed to read the first few chapters in a new one (which
is good), but it's been sitting unopened and forlorn for over a week now. Not too impressive, I'm afraid.

• Make a serious effort toward straightening up my apartment, including, if necessary, getting someone in to help. (Yikes!)
I swept and vacuumed a couple of weeks ago, and I've been pretty good about keeping the sink free of crusty, funk-covered dishes. All else is as it was, which is not as it should be.
• Strengthen and enhance my online friendships.
I think I've made some progress here, in little ways, but how can one be sure? What's really going on at the other end of that fine, ethereal thread? Are they laughing with me, or
at me, and how am I supposed to know? :idontknow:
• Go out to eat with my real-life friends at least once.
This one did not happen, nor will it again the way it used to. :sad: Details to follow in another thread.
In all, I'm disappointed with myself, albeit hardly for the first time. Stlll, March awaits. Maybe I'll get my act together then.