fantasy time


Well-known member
ok fantasy time .. name yours it could be sleeping with some hot famous person , or being an eagle being able to fly , or traveling the solar system in some star trek like space ship .. or going down to see the titanic ship in one of those little bubble like capsules that can go down to depths of god knows how many feet below sea level .. or maybe to win the lottery ... the list is endless ... so what is yours :)


Well-known member
Anxiety free, except basic anxieties somebody would get for a job interview, exam, etc. I'd expect those. Then I'd go back to my job, socialise more, etc.

Since we're talking about far fetched things like vampires, I'd like to have like a super strength/speed also. I'd love to become a top athlete in the sport of mixed martial arts, it's one of my biggest life passions from a fans point of view.


Well-known member
I have so many fantasies. I wish I were a knight in medieval times, a young wizard in a school like Hogwarts, an adventurer like Indiana Jones, a super hero like Spider-Man or an X-Men, a time traveller like McFly, and I also like the vampire fantasy like something out of Interview with the Vampire would be cool (but I would actually enjoy being the vamire unlike Louis).

A realistic fantasy is one in which I live a normal life not teathered to my room, not secluded from society but an active member of a social group, a better job, my own home, family and friends. This is the real fantasy.

Edit: and yes I also find the whole Star Trek fantasy appealing.

I'm not sure why I like all these fantasies. Maybe because I so despise my own existence that I'd take anything.
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I want to press the button which would blow up all the atomic weapons... But haven't decided yet where those atomic bombs would be targeted. To the cities or to place where they wouldn't be harmful.
I would like to be X-Man too...


Well-known member
This i going to sound strange, but here we go:

I want to live together with someone inside his/her head. I just want to be there and discuss things with the person, giving him/her advice. We would have the same body and the same experiences, except we both had someone to share them with. It would be fun, unless of course we got mad at each other I guess (don't know how that would end).

Oh, and I have also always dreamt about being a vampire. Standing a the top of my lonely castle, looking across a moonlit forest. Knowing I'd live forever. And having orgies with seductive bisexual female vampires.


Well-known member
Oh, and I have also always dreamt about being a vampire. Standing a the top of my lonely castle, looking across a moonlit forest. Knowing I'd live forever. And having orgies with seductive bisexual female vampires.

What a fantasy! I'd take that life any day. :D


Super Moderator
I want to ve a villain, have my own demonic army of bloodthirsty monsters, other little creature minions, slaves, a dark realm and cause panic and torment everywhere I go. I want to take over cities, cover every single place with darkness, turn them into a living hell of flames, lightnings and chaos. Of course, anyone who tried to stop me would die in the "hands" of my monsters while I'm watching in the distance, laughing like a psycho.

Animals and friends would be excluded from all this, of course... Unless they want a piece of my realm and rule too like the awesome people they are, in that case I wouldn't mind sharing and allow them to participate :D


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
I'd like to live in a world where the supreme court didn't just rule in favor of corporations being allowed to spend unlimited amounts of money on campaign advertising.



I wish I was God himself, there is everything else included, because God is in all creation and all creation is God. Just need some LSD now...

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
whoa, bunch of vampire fans. i always thought when a person expresses interest in vampires it was code for "im sexually frustrated". its been so long i dont know what to do! chomp. there's a bad end to a date.

i'd be a ghost, if i could. id watch over people i liked, and scare the piss out of anybody i didnt like.


Well-known member
I wish I lived in a city by the sea where the time was stuck in sunset and where we didn't have to sleep and we'd never get bored.


I would be a shapeshifter that could look, act, and sound like anyone I come in contact with. I would mess with people's minds so much it's not even funny lol. Either that or I would like to have vast mental powers, like telekinesis, pyrokinesis, and some sort of mind control. I'm pretty sure I would be an all around bastard. :D
My fantasy is that someone has invented a time machine. So that i could travel back to anytime in my life that i wished, with the knowledge that i have now.


Well-known member
Being a hobbit :D Haha, I think it would be a good life...eating, drinking, being merry all the time. Being shorter and chubbier being considered "hot", lol!

But my "real fantasy" is just having a happy, healthy family and having fun with my hubby and children :)


Well-known member
I'd like to have the power to move things with my burps. Then I would feel important and respected, and I would fight the bad guys, the bullies, the aliens, and Satan, with my powerful belch.
I have fantasies of singing in front of a bunch of people or entertaining in some way..Ive always had fantasies like that.
And then theres of course x-rated ones..