fantasy time


Well-known member
Belfort is awesome, I honestly don't see Silva walking through him like everyone seems to think.

I have a lot of favorites, but to name a couple per division i'd probably have to say Shogun, Evans, GSP, Marquardt, Mir, Carwin, Florian, Cerrone, and Torres.

Good list there! I'm quite a fan of Shogun also, I used to be a huge Mir fan, but not quite as much now.

I added you on the friends bit, so we could always talk about MMA and stuff when there's cards coming up. Best sport in the world man.


Well-known member
Yeah I'd like to be a ghost, then I can do all the fun things ghosts can do, I would go around potting plants and picking up trash off the freeway, helping senior citizens cross the road. Fun things like that.

then 2 would be a Jessica Alba, some ice cubes, a 9 iron and a buffalo, preferably stuffed for safety purposes. (props to you if you know what this if from)

No one watches Billy Madison that much, lol. But I got your back ;)


Well-known member
...except I like the sunlight and blood tastes awful. ::p:

I guess beauty is in the eyes and mouth of the beholder. As for fantasies, I'd like a faucet that only dispenses melted milk chocolate. I also have some of the typical medieval and medieval fantasy fantasies. I'd like to go hawking with a golden eagle. I'd like to be in a metal band. I wish I could write music that moves people. Being able to play Paganini's Violin Concerto No. 1 on violin would be pretty nice. I'd love to actually run into my dream girl and have a long and happy life together.

Of course I do have my off days. I've got all kinds of morbid fantasies that I don't feel like trying to remember right now. But I'd really like to contract bubonic plague, as it is treatable nowadays. And how many people can say they've had that and lived?

But most importantly, I WANT A LIGHTSABER!

Though I'd settle for Lúthien.


Well-known member
I want to be like michael corvin from underworld and underworld 2. Dude is the ****

Agreed :cool:

Are we talking, attainable fantasies? If so I'm going to say, getting a decked out van with my friends and traveling everywhere.

Not reality, being a detective in Scooby Doo. Boring I know. Going back in time to see a Queen concert :rolleyes: How nice..


Well-known member
I wish i could be a billionaire and never have to work another day in my life. I would travel the world and buy everything that i want


Well-known member
I wanna fly ..high up in the sky.. faster than light speed .. ohh I can even imagine what it would be like.. cool, fast, free and pure joy .
And I wanna have an invisible friend, maybe a ghost . And I will make sure that that friend is beside me always that would be cool...


One word, [url="]Polygyny[/url]

And unlike american women, they don't talk back. :D
First, I would be super confident, clever, witty, stylish, and have amazing social skills. Then I would find a nice girl with SP and be everything to her. I would say
and do everything that would make her happy and comfortable. And then know exactly how to help her overcome her SP as painlessly as possible.
Then we live happily ever after.

That or be a lone wanderer in a futuristic cyberpunk dystopian world inhabited by cyborgs, cybernetically enhanced
humans, and alien species. Just having adventures and surviving. Somehow that seems great to me.