Exercise Log


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I am on the fourth week of staying at home because of the earth quake,things are getting really bad socially and stuff with money too,the gym is the only interaction I have,went yesterday,took some big shots,but it was fun,sparring is a lot of fun if you do it against guys who has a head on his shoulders,otherwise its just two people trying to kill themselves,sparring is like there is only you and your oponent there,nothing else matters,you get in state I cant really describe properly.


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Jacobs Ladder Kings Park
242 steps - 45 meter drop.

8 times in 33 minutes.

Rest day tomorrow.
After the last three days of muscle spasms in my shoulders.::eek::

What I thought to be muscle spasms turns out to be a nervous twich... Don't know what brought that on, but its friggin annoying!:eek:


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Friday 1st April

Type: Outdoor Ride (Evening)
Distance: 50.65 m (31.66 mi)
Time: 01:35:25
Speed: 31.9 km/h (19.94 mph)

Felt pretty strong tonight. Average HR 140 (75% of MHR).


Well-known member
I ran 3 miles in a row for the first time in possibly over a year. I am so proud of myself. Rehabilitation continues. It's tough to say when I'll be back to 100%, but my goal is to be there by end of summer.


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Saturday 2nd April

Type: Group Outdoor Ride (Morning)
Distance: 60.03 m (37.52 mi)
Time: 02:03:31
Speed: 29.2 km/h (18.25 mph)

I went with A group despite having done a hard 50k ride the night before and only 4 hours sleep. It was tough. I couldn't hang on after about 38 km but was able to latch on to other rides for a short 5 km before I was left on my own to get back to the shop.


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Sunday 3rd April

Type: Indoor Lap Swim (Morning)
Distance: 1500 m (0.94 mi)
Time: 00:55:00

Indoor swim rather than ocean because of an event at the beach. Got excited because I thought I did 2000m under 1 hour without any swimming aids but then I realised I only did 1500m [200 free, 100 breast, 200 free repeated 3 times]. Still happy with the swim as I did this without too much trouble.


Well-known member
10km cross country race 45:27 (4:05, 4:18, 4:41, 4:34, 4:41, 4:56, 4:58, 5:09, 4:44).

I've lost my racing flats so I ran this in my joggers, which slowed me down. I've lost a lot of fitness and that showed the last 5km. Also I lost time at the 2.5km mark because I didn't know which way to go. I'm going to be off the pace at next weeks NSW Masters Championships.


Well-known member
Hi Kiwong, I train in heavy joggers and have been thinking about getting racing flats for the half ironman. I know racing flats don't have any support in the soles of the shoe and since I am an over pronater I am wondering if running in racing flats will likely give me an injury. Are you either a pronater or supinater? What are your experience with flats?


Well-known member
Hi Kiwong, I train in heavy joggers and have been thinking about getting racing flats for the half ironman. I know racing flats don't have any support in the soles of the shoe and since I am an over pronater I am wondering if running in racing flats will likely give me an injury. Are you either a pronater or supinater? What are your experience with flats?

Howdy Replica, I am a pronator and I wear Brooks ST-4 racers. For a racing flat these are very supportive. I have run 5 of my Half marathons in these with no issues. I have set all my masters PRs in racing flats from 1500 to HM in them. I also wear custom made orthotics in my shoes.

I guess you should trial them out at shorter distances first so you can see how they feel and build confidence. Racing flats in my experience can make a real difference in a race possibly 5-10 seconds/km.


Well-known member
I ran 3.1 miles today. I felt really good the first mile and a half and the pain started kicking in on the last half of the run. My shin is so much better though, my training has strengthened it. Calf pain is mostly gone.

For the first time in my life, the slower i run right now, the better. I noticed the slower i go, the less pounding I put on the shin area.

I won't even try to run fast until I feel like I'm 100% health. Hopefully that will happen in the next couple months.


Well-known member
Racing flats in my experience can make a real difference in a race possibly 5-10 seconds/km.

That's a big difference! I shall look into them and perhaps give them a few runs before my event! Thanks Kiwong.

Sunday 3rd April

Type: Outdoor Run (Night)
Distance: 18.12 m (11.33 mi)
Time: 01:34:12
Pace: 5:11 min/km (8:17 min/mi)

Moved into my new house today, think the excitement showed in my run tonight. Felt awesome all the way, even did some mini intervals in the last 3 kms :) Splits are: 5:09, 5:11, 5:15, 5:16, 5:15, 5:17, 5:21, 5:11, 5:16, 5:09, 5:15, 5:04, 5:08, 5:10, 5:14, 5:00, 5:00, 5:15.
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Well-known member
A lot more pain today because I've ran the past 2 days in a row, 6 miles total. Today I ran 2.5 miles at a super slow pace. It's all good though, because tomorrow is my day off from running.


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Monday 4th April

Type: Indoor Lap Swimming (Evening)
Distance: 1800 m (1.125 mi)
Time: 01:00:00

200 free
4x100 free/breast
5x100 free/back kick
4x150 pull
100 free


Well-known member
21.3/km 1:55:13 (6:07, 5:26, 5:46, 6:34, 5:15, 5:26, 5:15, 5:15, 5:10, 5:13, 5:17, 5:05, 5:04, 5:30, 5:18, 5:24, 5:27, 5:11, 5:14, 5:25, 5:13).

I chugged around a lot better on this morning’s run. It was cooler, with a strong south westerly wind, and a early threat of rain, which cleared up. The bridge over the creek trail is still closed, and this slowed me down in the fourth kilometre.


Well-known member
Tuesday 5th April

Type: Outdoor Run (Morning)
Distance: 9.50 km (5.94 mi)
Time: 00:54:10
Pace: 5:42 min/km (9:07 min/mi)

Decided to use this as a recovery run because I wasn't sure how my legs were after my 18k on Sunday and didn't want to cause any injuries as I haven't done my POST run massage/rolling. Legs/knees seems to be ok. Good casual run. Average HR 132 (71% of MHR). Splits: 5:53, 5:44, 5:52, 5:47, 5:41, 5:38, 5:39, 5:32, 5:36.

Type: Outdoor Ride (Evening)
Distance: 46.79 km (29.24 mi)
Time: 01:37:41
Speed: 28.7 kph (17.9 mph)

Four hours sleep and a morning run left me tired all day however still needed to complete my ride. I didn't have my tools with me so rode without my aerobars. My arms are a little sore which is interesting. First time in ages I rode on hoods or drops for the majority of the ride. Average HR 123 (66% of MHR).
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Well-known member
I'm still cycling to work. Today I was about to get to the 5000 km mark on my bicycle ( which I have since November last year).

Unfortunately, when about halfway home I started having problems with the freehub mechanism, which allows you to switch between freewheel and cycle mode. It got stuck in the freewheel mode, so I couldn't exert any force on the wheel anymore. Last time I could still get it to work by bumping the wheel on the ground, but this time it was completely dead. Luckily I was near a station, so I could take a train home. But I'm a bit upset that I now again have to interrupt my cycling routine, and get the bike into the repair shop again for probably a few days.

My question is whether anyone has already had the same problem, since this is already the second time this happens. I'm riding a cyclocross bike, a Ridley X-fire, which is supposed to be a good brand. Part of my route is a bit off-road, and I have a few hundred meters of cobble stone road, but I thought such a bicycle should be able to cope with that.


Well-known member
My question is whether anyone has already had the same problem, since this is already the second time this happens. I'm riding a cyclocross bike, a Ridley X-fire, which is supposed to be a good brand. Part of my route is a bit off-road, and I have a few hundred meters of cobble stone road, but I thought such a bicycle should be able to cope with that.

Fortunately I've not had this problem. I have 2 bikes, one with almost 12,000 km and another with almost 4,000 km. They're both road bikes and don't see trails or offroads at all - maybe this is why I've been lucky. I don't know much about you're cyclocross bike or it's components but it might be worth speaking to your bike shop and see what they think.

Wednesday 6th April

Type: Indoor Lap Swimming (Evening)
Distance: 1900 m (1.19 mi)
Time: 01:00:00


Well-known member
10km with fast finish 51:26 (5:22, 5:03, 5:10, 5:11, 5:11, 6:12 (stop for bezel dummy spit), 5:07, 5:11, 5:08, 3:53).