Good luck Kiwong! All that in 4 days sounds very tough!
Tuesday 19th April
Type: Outdoor Ride (Evening)
Distance: 31.35 m (19.59 mi)
Time: 00:57:23
Speed: 32.8 kph (20.5 mph)
Right calf still feeling sore from Sundays efforts but the good thing is it doesn't affect the cycling

18 days to go to the Half Ironman, feeling the nerves coming through!
Wednesday 20th April
Type: Indoor Lap Swimming (Evening)
Distance: 2000 m (1.25 mi)
Time: 01:00:00
Thursday 21st April
Type: Outdoor Run (Morning)
Distance: 8.40 km (5.25 mi)
Time: 00:44:34
Pace: 5:18 min/km (8:28 min/mi)
Haven't been running since Sunday due to some pain. Happy to say I am recovering. Took it relatively easy for the majority of the run, last 2 kms I was feeling pretty good so I upped the pace a tad. All is well. Will try not do anything stupid leading up to the event. Splits: 5:23, 5:17, 5:17, 5:23, 5:23, 5:22, 5:11, 5:10, 5:07.
Type: Outdoor Ride (Evening)
Distance: 64.56 km (40.35 mi)
Time: 01:59:57
Speed: 32.3 kph (20.19 mph)
Was going well until the last 13 kms where I ran out of energy. Didn't take enough nutrients with me. Still happy with the ride though.
Friday 22nd April
Type: Rest Day
Saturday 23rd April
Type: Outdoor Ride (Morning)
Distance: 96.28 km (60.18 mi)
Time: 03:00:40
Speed: 32.0 kph (20.0 mph)
Didn't feel like I was up to it when I woke up but that feeling disappeared through the ride. Ended up being a very good ride, even on the return trip into the headwind. I think I have my nutrition plan sorted with the E3 energy drink, gels and few snakes. I was still feeling good leading up to the brick run.
Type: Outdoor Run (Morning)
Distance: 3.02 km (1.89 mi)
Time: 00:14:33
Pace: 4:49 min/km (7:42 min/mi)
The plan was 15 minutes. I came screaming out of the blocks as I tend to do. Looked at the watch and saw a 4:35 min/km pace. I know this pace is not sustainable, legs just want to turn as quickly as they do on the bike. Feels weird to force myself to slow the cadence down.
Type: Outdoor Ride (Morning)
Distance: 18.22 km (11.39 mi)
Time: 00:35:22
Speed: 30.9 kph (19.31 mph)
Tailwind all the way home, just what I needed
Sunday 24th April
Type: Open Water Swim (Morning)
Distance: 200 m (0.125 mi)
It's really rough out there. This isn't really worth logging but it did take effort to get down to the beach.
Type: Outdoor Run (Evening)
Distance: 17.30 km (10.81 mi)
Time: 01:31:10
Pace: 32.0 min/km (8:25 min/mi)
Pace was very consistent. Pain was negligible however think I got a blister from a sudden 90 degree turn off near the end. Quite happy with this run. Next long run will only be 70 minutes, then it's game on.
Monday 25th April
Type: Open Water Swim (Morning)
Distance: 1693 m (1.06 mi)
Time: 00:41:02
Where is everyone else?