I know this thread was probably made a long time ago, but I wanted vent out some of my frustrations on here to get off my chest. I hate that most people with worse problems (being stuck in wheel chairs, has diseases, ect) have the most difficult in being happy with themselves. I know that most people on here had posted that everyone has problems, and while that may be true, it seems like the people who have it more easier in life only have problems that don't really last compared to other with actual serious problems.
I think extroverts have it easier because they all have everything that we don't have (social skills, friends, jobs, ect) so they're less likely to come across difficult situations. I guess I don't really like the way I've lived my life because I have been around with so many people who would hurt me and control my life whereas when I'm around people who are positive and happy and telling me to cheer up and ask why I'm so quiet, it's very frustrating and drives me crazy because they don't understand what my life is like. I'm always either around people who are depressed, controlling, angry or happy so it's nearly impossible for me to actually feel happy with myself and enjoy life.
What I don't understand is why some happy extroverted people can be cruel and put us down for our problems for no reason because it seems that they have better lives than ours. I've had people complain to me because I was quiet, I don't talk much, and make me feel bad by constantly putting me through guilt trips. And most of these people who complained to me were the extroverted, controlling people. It seems like they're the ones who want to make my life more miserable than it already is, but I do try my best to just be polite and say I'm tired or I don't have anything to say. I know I'm rambling and going off subject, I guess I've felt so much bitterness and resentment all of these years but I could never really express myself to anyone about my feelings.