I think what the OP is referring to by "normal" people is the people without Social Anxiety Disorder. You could class most humans as outgoing. And yes, it does tick me off to hear about how outgoing people get mad about some short period of time that they have to spend alone, while I'm sitting here spending most of my life alone. Or when they complain because they haven't had sex in a month, that really makes me mad when they say something like that. To hear one of my friends say they are upset because they haven't had a g/f in two months, ugh. For me, it's like hey, I haven't had a g/f in five years and have only had one g/f in my whole life.
I'm sorry for everyone who says people are fighting a hard battle, because that is not the case with everyone. Most of my friends aren't fighting a hard battle, they are very happy with their lives. Yes, there are people that have it worse than me, but the majority of people have it better than me. SAD is close to as bad as it gets. It takes away your life, it takes away people and job opportunities. These are the two most crucial parts of life, because without people and money, you are poor socially and financially, and those are the most important aspects of life. And don't give me that at least you have health factor, because having a SAD disorder is the same as having a disease as far as I'm concerned. I believe if you don't relate SAD to having a disease, then you don't have SAD.