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When im complaining my mum brings up all the people who are starving in the world etc...and im always like, yes but right now all i can see is my problems. So i reckon it might be the same for us our problems feel huge and everyone elses are insignificant in comparison....but its not the reality.
I knew a girl who complained she couldn't find a half decent bf when within the year, more than 10 boys have shown an interest in her, and that's excluding crushes or secret admirers we do not know who are interested in her, and she complains endlessly about her single status when she could have picked anyone from the 11 or so boys, but she could find something to say about all the boys, and why she could not accept any of them And oh, those boys were only those we counted we were in the same school as us, excluding other boys who might have liked her from outside of school.
The concept of "ungratefulness" pervades all of humanity. Even us social-phobes. I'm willing to bet that you live in a carpeted home with windows, ceiling, kitchen and a heating system.