That is the best game, I own Mechwarrior 2 but I've never played the original Mechwarrior or any of the others. The "robots" I remember are maddog, hellbringer, rifleman, summoner, timberwolf, gargoyle, warhammer, maurauder, firemoth, kitfox, jenner, nova, and stormcrow. Which Mechwarrior was Mad Dog in?
I decided to not use my usual name on this site for some reason. I picked this one because I really like birds of prey. The males are called tiercels, and they're usually about a third smaller than the females.
And since I always feel like I don't quite measure up to other people....
My username is how my real name is pronounced, but not how it is spelled. It has a unique spelling and very few people get it right the first time. I just chose kuhtreen for a username on this site because it keeps my true identity a bit hidden.