Do you like being stared at by the opposite sex?

Do you get stared at? (by the opposite sex)

  • I know I do and I like it.

    Votes: 14 13.6%
  • I know I do and I don't like it.

    Votes: 29 28.2%
  • I've been told I do by others... but I haven't noticed.

    Votes: 12 11.7%
  • I don't get looked at, period.

    Votes: 23 22.3%
  • I wish I did! I'd like it!

    Votes: 10 9.7%
  • (other?) Please Explain.

    Votes: 15 14.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
... the ones you deem attractive?

Not necessarily.

Like, I don't like being stared at by those who seem to do it in a perverse way, and shout things etc. There used to be a building site on my way to school and everytime I went past the builders would stare and say perverse stuff and it really unnerved me.

I don't really mind if others stare though, because sometimes I find myself staring at people too without even realising it. There are many different reasons why people could be staring and so I try not to read too much into it.


Well-known member
Don't trust anyone!
They're all aliens in people suits!
They just want to probe you and eat your tender, delicious human hearts! Ahhhh!!
oh... humans have one heart, right?

Unicorns have several. That's why I must be careful!


Well-known member

I don't really mind if others stare though, because sometimes I find myself staring at people too without even realising it. There are many different reasons why people could be staring and so I try not to read too much into it.

Yeah sometimes I can be be staring at somebody but not be staring at them per se im usually just staring into space and lost in thought.


Well-known member
I turned out 5'10

I'm 5'10" (178cm) too. But everybody in my family is fairly tall.

Im in a good place about it now, I love heels!

When I was growing up, I always felt freakishly tall. Standing out was painful for someone so painfully shy. I did not want any stares!

I'm in a better place about it now. The average height is greater than it was thirty years ago. And then there's the whole tall=model thing.

I mostly avoid heels though. Good for you being comfortable about them.


Well-known member
an interesting geometric phenomenon is that the difference in vertical height between two subjects becomes negligible when they are placed horizontally


Yes - I imagine it would feel nice. It doesnt really happen for me though. Indifference is mostly what I seem to least in real life.


Well-known member
If I am being stared at it is most likely because of the type of pants I wear ( so that doesn't really bother me. As for being stared at by the opposite sex because of my physical appearance, I highly doubt it ever happens so I wouldn't know how I would feel.


Well-known member
I voted for 'Other,' because I'm conflicted. On the one hand, I'm flattered when the opposite sex stares at me, assuming I notice them staring. A large portion of the time, I don't pay attention.

On the other hand, I feel uncomfortable and embarrassed when I'm stared at. My instinct is to not be flirty and smile or something; instead, I pretend like I don't know they're staring and just move along. I have no idea why this is my reaction. Typically, this is my reaction if the guys are mildly or very attractive to me. I was in this situation the other day. It was kinda hot out, so I decided to wear one of those maxi skirts with a tank top. I was walking from my apartment and two mildly attractive guys passing by stared right at me; they even went out of their way to turn their heads back a bit. Needless to say, I felt embarrassed and pretended to not notice.


Well-known member
I know sometimes I'm being stared at by a girl, and even if she smiles it makes me want to hide because I keep thinking she is either laughing at me or just being friendly...It makes me realllly uncomfortable.


Well-known member
I don't like to be noticed at all. I like to be in my own world where no one can reach me or hurt me. Being stared at or talked about brings me out of that safe place I find in my own company.


Well-known member
Hmmmm... I've never really noticed people staring at me. I am rather oblivious when it comes to other people.


Well-known member
If I catch a cute girl looking at me it usually boosts my mood for the day. I'm probably guilty of eyeing up every attractive girl that walks past though so I suspect I've made a few uncomfy by staring, but personally I'd be flattered to be noticed by a girl, unless it was in a negative way.


Well-known member
Not really. Any time I catch anyone looking at me I just assume it's because they find me ugly or weird, so it tends to just make me feel worse. I try not to look around much when I'm out and about to be honest.