Do you hate your body?


Well-known member
Yes I hate my body. Im so small and skinny for a guy,im 5'8 and 130 lbs. Most girls arms are pretty much thicker than my legs-_- I try to lift weights but it doesnt really help much.


Well-known member
Yes. I have gender identity issues... I am female but would prefer that I was born male and had more masculine features (as in, a smaller chest).

Yeah, me too, although mine might be related to hating the 'vulnerability' that seems to come with having a female appearance. It would be awesome to be male, they just look so much more... natural, earthy, strong. I admire the appearance of males so often (despite being a lesbian). I guess it's like when gay guys admire beautiful women.
But I feel the same way, and also about wanting a smaller chest, I used to drive myself nuts with that wanting. Where do you think this comes from? Maybe it's even related to father issues.. or being able to hide behind facial hair and the image of strength?

I don't hate my body, but I don't have any remarkable characteristics. I have a body that is meant to be very tiny, so the extra 20 pounds I carry is just such a pain in the ass, I feel weighed down, although I would like to lose it for vanity's sake, I'd much rather lose it so that I can feel light when I pop out of bed, miss that feeling. Sure I've already posted on this forum but I'm bored so .... shh

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I have my good days. And I have my bad days. I am trying to be nice to myself. Losing weight improved my confidence significantly. At the very least it has made clothes shopping much easier. I used to avoid trying clothes on in fitting rooms 'cause I hated seeing my body in the mirror. Now I can tolerate it. I still have issues with my body. My hips and thighs could be slimmer; finding a good pair of pants is hard. But dresses look good so I try to wear those more often. I have more issues with my face than body. That is tied to my OCD though.


Well-known member
Yeah, me too, although mine might be related to hating the 'vulnerability' that seems to come with having a female appearance. It would be awesome to be male, they just look so much more... natural, earthy, strong. I admire the appearance of males so often (despite being a lesbian). I guess it's like when gay guys admire beautiful women.
But I feel the same way, and also about wanting a smaller chest, I used to drive myself nuts with that wanting. Where do you think this comes from? Maybe it's even related to father issues.. or being able to hide behind facial hair and the image of strength?

I don't hate my body, but I don't have any remarkable characteristics. I have a body that is meant to be very tiny, so the extra 20 pounds I carry is just such a pain in the ass, I feel weighed down, although I would like to lose it for vanity's sake, I'd much rather lose it so that I can feel light when I pop out of bed, miss that feeling. Sure I've already posted on this forum but I'm bored so .... shh

And here I am just the opposite. I hate to be a male. I hate the natural aggressiveness that comes with it. I have never felt male either. I played Barbies and the original Polly Pocket toys when I was younger, I preferred fashion dolls over action figures, and even now I despise being a male. But I will never become a transsexual because I don't want society to judge me more than what I'm going through now.


I have a small layer of subcutaneous fat on my belly which I cant get rid of. It's very annoying.

Dammit - why is it my most stupid comments are always at the top.


Well-known member
"Hate" is probably too strong of a word. My body is like a wild child that needs to be kept in check. It seems like there's all these things about it that need to be kept under control, such as hormones, combo/oily skin, weight, body hair, etc. When all those things are kept in check, I'm pretty satisfied. When they start going haywire, I become thoroughly annoyed with my body.


Well-known member
"Hate" is probably too strong of a word. My body is like a wild child that needs to be kept in check. It seems like there's all these things about it that need to be kept under control, such as hormones, combo/oily skin, weight, body hair, etc. When all those things are kept in check, I'm pretty satisfied. When they start going haywire, I become thoroughly annoyed with my body.
I can relate, I'm pretty careless though which is not right.


Active member
I've struggled with my weight all my life.I lost about 80lbs.For the past few months ive been eating sugary, delish, yummy, sweet crap! Yes, crap! Food that should come with a warning sign lol The thing is i really do enjoy eating healthy and i don't mind eating bland foods.Sometimes, i actually prefer it.Soo, why have i lost self control? I guess because i haven't gotten help.I am an emotional eater.Newho, ive rambled on enough lol.About my body..Well, since loosing the weight my confidence is coming back! Ou, and my self esteem too:D I like my feet, breasts, eyes and hair.When i reach my goal weight i would like to start working out.Ive never had a real toned body and with my proportions i think i would really start liking my body more.Right now, i have stretch marks which are improving:) Thank God! I have noticable veins which i am self consious about too.I don't feel comfortable showing them to a professional untill i am at my ideal weight.Also, i would like to do Laser hair removal but i can't because of the med im on:S Also, i would like to possibly have a breast lift.I like my boobs and they would look good if they were perky.Also, i haven't been taking care of my oral health which is a shame because i believe i could have a really nice smile.I do plan on getting braces.So, I am trying. Although,It's not easy.Because of my weight or poor body image.. it has stopped me from getting involved in romantic relationships or even intimate relations:( Although, my last bf didn't complain and he actually grew very fond my naked body and i guess because of him i am a lil more confident in becoming intimate with my future s/o whoever that may be;)
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I don´t know.. sometimes when I´m trying on some clothes I think this is the worst body that can possibly exist (that´s why I´m not fond of buying new clothes). But then I think I have to live with it anyway and at least could loose weight a bit, even if it wouldn´t do much difference as I´m not very fat, I still could be slimmer and it would look better. There is always someting we can do, even if we can´t change our figure totally.

Actually I want to say, even if we have ugly body, we can at least try to make it healthy..


Well-known member
Wow Speaker! 80 pnds !! way to go & all the best laying off the crap!! Just reading it is disgusting! im sorry u had to eat that eeews, and all the best with finishing up on accomplishing the steps you have in front of you. May you have the body that you deserve and may it help u be happy.


Well-known member
If you hate your body so much (or some part of your body), then why not do something about it? It's no use just waiting around hoping the bad parts would drop off by themselves. Some light exercise and healthy eating maintained for the rest of your life can go a long way. No miracles involved. Just straight-up hard work and effort. And if those two things aren't good enough for you, seek professional help for what you do want.


There's nothing about me that I don't like

apart from all the fatboi clothes I bought, and really like, now won't stay in place. I have to keep fists in pockets on the street to stop the trousers ending up round the ankles, even with tight belts. Time to get some braces?

A benefit of 4 months in hospital is a handy way to lose weight.

I should get back onto barbells, quadriceps, and bench. My usual routine for years has been pull-ups, shoulders, abs, mostly major cardio - runs & rowing