Do you hate your body?


Well-known member
Hate? Maybe that's too much.
Like? Not at all.

Editing my post to add a gif that I found while browsing around other forums.

Love the GIF!!! Though maybe the guy got eaten after it :p


Well-known member
it is just so sad why do all dogs or cats look the same? all beautiful? all animals, but humans, no. humans are the top 5 ugliest species, and to make the joke even sicker, beautiful humans were placed in to make the ugly humans feel even more pathetic


Well-known member
As much as it annoys me, people who have good bodies whether through inhereting or hard work are usually alot more confident in other areas of their life automatically. they may still become anxious but they will have more swagger and people may respond to them with more respect amongst other things. Something i've noticed. There really is no such thing as equality, even if philosophically we think there is.

I agree. I have passed up opportunities for intimacy because of my body. I feared that I wouldn't live up to what the other person was expecting to find under my clothes. I can't even play sports because of past comments people have made about me while I was playing them. Finding clothes to express who I am and look nice is near impossible. Normal people will never understand how much strain is put on someone who is apparently flawed. They can just grab what ever clothes they have without looking in the mirror and just walk out the door while I look in the mirror and change outfits over and over again.


Well-known member
Um... I don't like it but it doesn't bother me as much as it used to becuase I am stuck with it and it is never going anywhere so I kind of leaned to live with it and just put whatever on and say ohwell but yeah not too happy about it I guess


Well-known member
I only hate the fact that my body has a tendecy towards feeling fatigued most of the time for some mysterious reason. So that's more unhappy with the "invisible" forces of my body. For the rest I've made peace with how I look.

I could do with a few less pounds I guess, but I don't worry about that at all.


New member
I have bmi 17, im guy. So i look hideously skinny. And I'm adult, so i will never look like normal guy and how i would like to because my bones and muscles aren't growing anymore. Also i have skin problems which transitioned into skin discolorations because i didn't go to doctor cos of SA. These are my complexes as well.
I've always really hated my body, and i think that is what fueled my initial self-consciousness, and eventualually social phobia. But the physical body could well be a "function" of the mental/emotional/soul (ie stunted body = stunted soul).
I've gotten used to abhoring my body, over time. So nowadays its like, 'oh okay, if i look in the mirror i'll feel like crap .. right, i understand' (hence very seldom looking in mirror/reflection).
In this life there is no hope/answer/solution, i accept that. But in my FUTURE lives, and possibly in the future of my CURRENT life, there will be HELL TO PAY ("just quietly" hehe). Yep, i am on the "paranoid" side.
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Well-known member
I wouldn't say I hate it, I can get impatient with it sometimes. I tend to get a bit of twinges in my hips if I lie down sideways and my bottom can hurt if I sit on hard surfaces. I tend to get skin rashes due to sensitivity. My eyes are shortsighted. At the end of the day however I can lead a reasonably comfortable life while coping with all these 'ailments'.


Well-known member
I agree. I have passed up opportunities for intimacy because of my body. I feared that I wouldn't live up to what the other person was expecting to find under my clothes. I can't even play sports because of past comments people have made about me while I was playing them. Finding clothes to express who I am and look nice is near impossible. Normal people will never understand how much strain is put on someone who is apparently flawed. They can just grab what ever clothes they have without looking in the mirror and just walk out the door while I look in the mirror and change outfits over and over again.

I have trouble finding clothes that fit but that's because of vanity sizing aimed at the masses (pun!) and I just want to be able to take my size home without trying lots of other sizes. I also think everyone of a given size have different shapes so the standard fit won't fit everyone. I blame this on standardisation and mass production. If I have money I want to get tailored clothes.


I like my biceps.

I just wish I was bigger - so I could kick ass and kick sand in nerds faces at the beach with like... you know...a couple of babes on my arm...

and all that.

I would so make a great alpha male... I swear to god.
I just wish I was bigger - so I could kick ass and kick sand in nerds faces at the beach with like... you know...a couple of babes on my arm...
Ha ha, that's a nice image. But just make sure that that "nerd" is not ME, as you might be facing a SHOTGUN in yur face!!! lol
(metaphorically-speaking of course!)
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Well-known member
used to hate it. still have my problem areas but I'm a lot more accepting of my body,my face,myself in general.
hmmm...i DO wish my thighs were thinner;-)


Well-known member
I'm tall and tower over mostly everyone I meet, everywhere I go people stereotype and ask me do you play basketball, I do but not because I'm tall....I hate my body
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I hate my body, I'm 6'3 and super skinny, very fast metabolism and I also have a pectus excavatum (deep sunken hole in the chest) and I have very bad, pale skin as well so most of the time, I look like a vampiric skeleton walking around.