Do you feel anxious with your Family?

In your own home, sweet home :D
Do you feel anxious, with your parents, or brothers and sisters?
Or do you really feel good? and that you can be yourself? ::eek::

I don't feel really anxious around my parents, brother and grandparents.
I can totally be me!! I'm also not really quiet, and I feel safe.

So what does this say? We find ''new things, out of comfort zone, dangerous''

How about you guys? :)


Well-known member
I'm not anxious around my mom, most of the time, & she's the only person I live with. But I'm anxious around all of my extended family members.


Well-known member
i actually am anxious most of time around my family and i am really quiet sometimes i barely talk to them all day. my mum is a moody all the time and i don't get on with her much. my dad i really nice but he expects me to be social and is hates me cause of this, living in the country in ireland all the neighbours know each other and if you don't talk to them they think who are being rude and my dad takes this as a personal insult to him if the neighbours are saying this
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I get very anxious when I'm with my family because I never see them (I live three states away from the nearest set of relatives, and everyone else lives either halfway across the country or ALL the way across the country). So whenever I see them I feel like they're judging me based on how much I've changed (or not changed) since I saw them last.

At my actual home, where I'm mistress of the domain and my boyfriend is master of the domain, I'm perfectly comfortable.


Well-known member
In between i became anxious at everybody even family members but now i am sort of ok with them but i do tend to get anxious while watching TV with them particularly when a kissing scene or semi nude girl or guy appears.!lol I am not sure if thats with every body? Do you feel anxious at sexual images on TV or in the theater?


Well-known member
I am more anxious from my father because I dislike some sounds that he makes every day. I got more anxiety from my brothers daughter because little children gives me the stress. She is loud and arrogant and spoiled so I have developed a habit to visit my brother as less as possible.
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Well-known member
I'm totally fine with my mum, but if my sister comes up to visit i can get very anxious, she's so loud and overbearing it does my head in. But luckily she isn't talking to us and hasn't done for months now so i've had some peace and quiet lol


Well-known member
I don't feel any anxiety at all with my parents and sisters. I agree that many problems involving SA involve stepping out of comfort zones and getting accustomed to unfamiliar environments.

I definitely do not feel comfortable being around my extended family because I see them once a year either at Christmas or Easter. I guess it's also that I have nothing to relate with them and I have to talk about what I've done over the past year. Plus I get the impression that they don't care anyways.


Well-known member
I feel anxious around my family too! :eek: especially around my nan because i feel like i'm not good enough for her. She used to get into alot of trouble when she was younger and my cousins are forever in trouble with the police and she seems to love it. Because i'm not like that i feel she doesn't like me as much. :confused:

I feel anxious alot around my brother and sisters because they don't understand about social anxiety and my older sister has said some horrible things to me about it. ::(:


Super Moderator
If they are all reunited yes. I tend to stay away as much as possible. I'm usually the centre of their idiotic "jokes" if I dare to be around them during a reunion, and if they aren't mocking me they ignore me completely. What makes me anxious is not them but what they do and the fact that I have to behave like when I am around strangers... I'm sure if they were a bit more friendly, I wouldn't feel like that at all.


Well-known member
Some of my OCD-related anxieties target only people in my family. So it definitely is most prevalent in my own home. One of my brothers is also reaaaaaaally loud and obnoxious and that makes me very anxious. Thank goodness he doesn't live here anymore.


Well-known member
Yip, I do too - mostly with my mum, never found that I could open up to her. Dad is okayish and depends on the topic of conversion with my brother. Mostly stay in my room when at home though!


Well-known member
I don't feel anxious in the least with my husband in our house, and probably won't with my son either.

I feel kind of anxious at my parents house and my PIL's house. Not sure why...I shouldn't.


Well-known member
Yes, very anxious to the point that I have severed ties with all of them. To be honest they are a lot of ignorant brutes and they scapegoated and victimized me in many ways for being different than them. They never loved me so I gave up loving them and have finally left them behind. They read and write but not very good really and I actually sort of hate them at this point for all they have put me through.


Well-known member
I don't feel anxious with my mum and brother and sister but I do around my extended family. My mum also suffers with anxiety so I feel like out of my family, she is the person who understands how I feel so I think that makes it easier for me to talk to her about it. But I also get on really well with my sister, she's kind of more like a friend than a sister.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
i feel more anxious with my family. the more people know about me, the more anxious i am. plus i have to brace for whatever insults going to come along and make me feel rotten for a few hours
I can be myself about 90% with my mum, which i feel lucky to be able to do. But I can't be myself at all around my sister! she is very bossy and judgemental. I see other sisters getting along very well and that say they are like best friends. I miss not having that with my sister.