Do you feel anxious with your Family?


i find it hard when my sister and her kids come to visit, cause i dont know how to act when im with them. my sister and my brother in law already know that im a nutcase, but kids are too young to understand that.

im a wee bit anxious of my dad, cause hes scottish and therefore rather loud, i cant really handle loud noises, loud noises give me panic attacks

johnny 85

Well-known member
Not in the slightest.

Now if I were to go to a family reunion, yeah...ugh.

this !!! im ok with my family in general but aunts , uncles, cousins etc.... id have an extremely hard time been around them. id rather make conversation with a total stranger than one of my relatives!!


Well-known member
In your own home, sweet home :D
Do you feel anxious, with your parents, or brothers and sisters?
Or do you really feel good? and that you can be yourself? ::eek::

I don't feel really anxious around my parents, brother and grandparents.
I can totally be me!! I'm also not really quiet, and I feel safe.

So what does this say? We find ''new things, out of comfort zone, dangerous''

How about you guys? :)

mom: no
brother: no
dad: i think before i speak, but i'm definitely not shy around him
extended family: normal. this is how i'd like to be in public


Not my immediate family. But if it's a family reunion of some kind with a lot of cousins and what not, yes I get very anxious. I usually don't say anything.


Active member
Around certain extended family members yes. Especially if they're asking personal questions. My heart starts racing then, and i do anything to change the topic.


Active member
I'm usually less anxious around my family. Most of the time, my hyperhidrosis is better at home than anywhere else, and stress is my main trigger. My mom's so unpredictable though, I can never be completely at ease with her.


Well-known member
Oh i'm very anxious around my family, i feel there is a heirarchy and i don't really get along with them to be honest. we are very different but i find my parents to be very strict and condescending in their tone of voice, not just to me but to everybody in general...and i don;t feel comfortable around them, i mean i can't just say what is on my mind around them in fear of some horribly over the top reaction...but i don't believe our relationships is that of the normal fun loving family, to be fair.


Well-known member
Being at home with my parents was making me anxious all the time, thats why I moved halfway around the country to go to school. The move was no different though, Im now stuck in a crowded res(only for 1 more month!!!) with 300 complete strangers


Well-known member
most of my family and me fell out over my dads money years ago , they were like a pack of wolves when he died , i dont feel anxious around them they just piss me off :mad: i dont talk to them anymore .. but i do talk to my brother jamie and my sister trudy :) there nice people just like me , unlike the rest of my family we had our dads best interests at heart when he got ill , the rest were like a bunch of vultures Circling waiting for him to die , what money does to people eh ........


Well-known member
I feel pretty comfortable with my immediate family.

I feel totally out of place and awkward around my other relatives though. I usually find a way to skip Christmas get-togethers etc. I just don't fit in with them at all. It's worse than hanging out with a bunch of strangers -- it seriously feels like they're a completely different species or something!


Well-known member
My family are the people who cause me the greatest anxiety - I never know how to act around them. I always seem to want to get their respect, but never feel as though I can please them - like my life is totally uninteresting to them, but I'm supposed to hang on their every word. I'm the youngest of four kids.

I've pretty much isolated myself from my family for several years, but I'm constantly wanting to communicate with them - only now I'm afraid to...afraid of being outright rejected and dismissed.

It's easier just to hide.


Well-known member
I feel closer to "friends" a don't talk to then my parents. I know that they are there for me and I can talk to them about my feelings but I wasn't raised like that. I'm not close to my parents and I don't talk to them like I did when I had friends or anyone else that isn't in my family. Unless it's my nephew or cousins that I know.


Well-known member
My mum, dad and sister i feel comfortable with because we all live together. Although my sister has been a little weired with me for quite a while now. Shame too seeing as when she was being bullied in school i let her hang around with my mates and me... :mad::confused:

Other people like uncles, aunts, cousins are basically strangers to me. I havent seen them in years. And even when we do they treat me like im invisible. So feck em... :D
Not really, i am with my brother there is 13 years between us, sometimes if he takes me somewhere, or we are the only ones in the house it can be quite awkward. Im not with my parents but sometimes i feel as though i say the wrong things. And Yes! with anyone else in the family


Not really. At least not my close family.

They're one of the few people I don't feel anxious around. I think it's because I'm forced to be with them :D.


Well-known member
Sorry to bump up a slightly old topic but this matches so much...

I'm extremely anxious around my family. Sometimes I'll not go downstairs when I'm starving just because they are down there in a room together. I've waited seven hours once till both left then ran downstairs to get food.
Whenever I walk in a room they all turn to look at me and I feel on the spotlight. Many times they will start picking on me about random stuff or say things like
'well look who decided to appear' 'go back to your box' 'Ohh, finally want to spend time with us?' etc... I know they are sort of jokingly saying it... but it hurts still.

I'm also nervous around my siblings, brother more than my sister, but still both.
My brother doesn't understand at all, my sister is better at looking at things from all sides but she still has her mistakes.

I think my mum makes my anxiety worse to be honest.


Well-known member
Yes I have with my mother and father. Even tough they are good people I have a problem that I cannot fix. I have strong dislike of eating sounds, typing sounds that make angry. So I usually eat alone, hide in my room behind closed doors not hear something annoying. I really dream about living alone, but that is not possible at the moment. This also may mean that cant live with any women together because that sound dislike problem will probably wreck our relationships.


Active member
I have strong dislike of eating sounds, typing sounds that make angry. So I usually eat alone, hide in my room behind closed doors not hear something annoying. I really dream about living alone, but that is not possible at the moment. This also may mean that cant live with any women together because that sound dislike problem will probably wreck our relationships.

Wow , that sounds familliar, though i counteract the annoying chewing/swallowing sounds with putting music on or up the tv volume. heh