I feel slightly anxious around my mom... I judge myself when I speak to her because there are times she flat out tells me she doesn't want to talk to me, or makes a big -go, run off somewhere- hand signal when i'm in mid speech. This happens daily but she's generally a stressed out person =/. I should understand it's coming from stress but I can't help but feel this adds to my social anxiety...
don't really know my dad, he lives in another country so yeah I get anxious around him.
With my sisters i'm moderately anxious, always judging myself again, wondering if I'm boring them or if i'm in the way of something... I'm not as anxious compared to being around strangers or 'friends' but i'm still on edge, costantly thinking and guessing and hating that I do it.
I think anxiousness will be completely elliminated when you meet somebody who has never judged you in any way, and doesn't look secretive or shy themselves. Somebody who is always supportive, maybe an impossible personality to find?