My self esteem is totaly in deep minus, dont know what do...
I have to go to the dentist but i always run away from the office , i feel panick and claustrophobic.
I cant make any appointment, any deal
If i arrange any kind of meeting i m totaly paralysed and scared. Thatswhy i avoid every kind of it.
By the end of this year i surely will be jobless, i dont achieve any goal on my workplace , which doesnt inquire much of social interarction..
Recent situations in my life are showing the signs that i will be more and more worse, i m begining to feel traumatised, i have abdominal spasms, i feel catotonic.. Dont know what doctor could i address for being such a loser. I also become superstitios (which for me is a sign of paranoia). i think if i share this misery with someone(Mostly with you here, becuse i m learned by life that people are scumm in my real life-i have no real friends, family, etc) , that i will have less luck , that i will loose those tiny bits of my life that are remaining. This is superstition, Doctors would probably said ocd. I cant go on like this, i have no energy, all my life i m trying to be positive and it is going worse. This inner battle drained my whole energy , forcing myself to be positive when obviously theres nothing positive around (M i repeating?)