Do you Enjoy Complaining?


Well-known member
i hate telemarketers dammit. they're the only people who call me. and ever since i put myself on the "do not call list", they seem to be calling more!! i guess it takes 30 days for them to stop calling. so it seems like there all trying to call now before they're time is up! stupid people. i dont even answer the phone anymore because of them. they call all the time. morning and night. and this might sound dumb, but everytime the phone rings now (which is a lot) i start to panic a little :roll:


New member
My mobile phone is lifeless, the only peron who calls me is my only close friend, and my damn mother.

My balls are longing for some lovin' but are beginning to drop off due to 22 years of inactivity.

My dad never talks to me, as he's just as boring and lifeless as I am

My brother has stopped getting in touch, and the only time i ever see him for more than a day is christmas and easter.

Nothing seems real anymore, like im living in my own fantasy world which I dictate with my own deluded, paranoid mind.

I'm currently suffering from chronic diorreah.


Peace 8)


Well-known member
wow...that was interesting :lol: cant believe you wrote about your diarrha haha ^^^^ just wanted to comment on that


Well-known member
Speaking of diarrhoea... I get that every time I have breakfast in early mornings. Which is why I tend to skip breaky nowadays. :oops: :(


Well-known member
I have known two of the people who I work with for more than five months. FIVE MONTHS, and I'm only starting to feel slightly comfortable with them. If it all goes tits up right now, I will never see them again. I at least want to get to know them a bit more. I am pissing the chance away because I am scared and I don't know what the hell I'm doing. :(


Well-known member
Getting someone on MSN so I can actually talk to them properly like I can't in real life; then finding that they never go online...
mm yes i do

I have wasted 16 years of my life.
My life is not going to get any better.
If only my parents weren't so old fashion.
It is not fair, i am a good person i dont understand why i am suffering so much...............


Well-known member
Well right now i am trying to file for unemployment cause...well i have to.
But it is NOT easy. Its asking for the address of the last place i work. and i dont know if they want the address where my check came from or where i actually worked. cause my check came from somewhere else.

and then it asks for my supervisors whole name. I dont even know who my supervisor was!!!! And I really dont wanna have to call my job up to ask who it was cause thats kinda embarrissing and then ill have to tell them its because im filing for unemployment! WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!!!!!!!!!?????? I just need money to feed my cats....why is this so difficult??

And also, i have these really bad zits all over my face that look disgusting! im gonna have to pop them cause otherwise im gonna be worried about them exploding all day... 8O hahaahaa, wow thats gross :twisted:


Well-known member

It never fails. whenever im really really craving a cigarette, theres none around! Just had my last one the other day and now im all out. This ALWAYS happens. And it always happens at a time that I cant get more. i mean ya i could walk 15 minutes to walgreens, but i dont live in a good neighborhood and my SP also stops me from going.
And cigs are bad bad bad, but i really do want one. but at the same time im kinda glad i cant get my hands on any. i dont wanna die from cancer!

but ya i still want some...trying to think of an evil plan right now to get some, lol


Well-known member
didn't know you smoke, SB! :eek:

I want to talk to someone on MSN but they're not there or just wondered off. It's like the person talks to me only when they feel like it. I'm not sure, maybe they have found a better life and doesn't need to talk to another social phobic anymore. Why do I have to get worked up over this? I don't even know the person. Why can't I feel happy for other SPs that are actually making improvements to their life? :cry: Why do I have to be such a jealous person and not doing anything about it? :x i don't know!!! :cry:


Well-known member
Complaining definitely doesn't get me anywhere! Plus, I've decided to be happy from now on and fuck everyone else... I'll let you know how long it lasts ;)


Active member
My life is just a shitty rollercoaster!

I have no friends :(
Never had a girfriend or boyfriend
People are always laughing at me
Bullied since 11 :twisted:
I've got spots
I'm really tall and thin
Nobody understands :twisted:
I'm almost 16 and I feel old, I feel like I've lived for ages!

Ah, better!
So this is where one complains? Okay, let's have a go.

- Back acne.
- Hyperhidrosis on palms and feet.
- Buckteeth.
- Fricking huge mole above the lip.
- Uni's 1.5 hours away from home.
- Hate the degree course I'm in.
- Social anxiety is preventing me from doing stuff I wanna do but I don't know how I can overcome it.


Well-known member
i might have to move. leave the house i grew up in :( move in with my mommy who i really dont wanna live with. not because of her, but because of "him". if you know what i mean.
might beabale to keep this house if i get a job. but i am putting almost no effort into finding a job because im just sick and tired of being sick and tired. im emotinally drained. im really getting depressed and sad thinking that i only have a few weeks to find a job or else im outta here. if it werent for this whole house thing i might actually be ok. well i was ok untill my mom talked to me about it like 5 hours ago!!! :roll:


Well-known member
I don't really like complaining but I think I need to right now...

-I have no friends
-I have never had a boyfriend
-My flatmates got bored of me months ago and now they go out and leave me in the flat alone feeling lonely and miserable
-I have no housemates for my second year of uni because no one wants to live with me
-I was bullied for the whole 12 years I was at school. I left almost 3 years ago and still think about it all the time.
-I lost touch with the only person who ever understood me because I was scared to phone her
-People laugh at me
-People think I'm stupid
-People think I'm rude


what to complain about:

i don't understand others and others are not like me. I have distanced myself from everybody else, and its scary how i am alone with only my own presence and only my thoughts and opinions. like being in a fucking cage, not only my mind but also my soul.

i took it to the limit and then I cant turn around, in many ways it had been fucked up with serious lliquor times along with drugs every once in a while.

I don't even understand myself i think, when i cant understand others.

I make things super hard and challenging only to the point at that I will be on even stance with life again, not gain anything with all the struggles i put in, only getting myself out of the negative side.

I took a lot of journeys in this life of mine ALONE


Well-known member
Its Me Again! :lol:

Im on the phone with my friend and she was just talking about how long we've been friends and how good we know eachother! Seriously...what a dummy. She doesnt know me at all!

Oh Well


Well-known member
my main complaints would be
-i have never had a girlfriend or boyfriend
-i have never kissed anyone
-my last hug was more than a year ago
-i have one friend
-i have no job
-my life sucks


Well-known member
Im skint and im bored. im fed up with finding it hard to comunicate and be natural with people, especially men and why do i always fall for married men :x and then feel like a teenager having one of those crushes on someone that you cant have? i guess its because at my age (30) all the best ones are spoken for and i have very little confidence, but it sucks when im feeling really bored and want a hug. :(


Well-known member
omg what the hell! why does my friend feel the need to come over without calling first! and then being all pissed that i didnt answer the door quickly enough. i mean, i couldve been in the shower or something. and she didnt actually say she was mad, but i could hear her outside calling my name all annoyed.

and then the hoe wanted to stay to chat! like is she serious? sorry im not explaining the whole story but i didnt want her to stay. and thank god she didnt. she just wanted to bitch at me about someone else for like 5 minutes and left.

thank god she didnt wanna use the computer cause i had the chat up and the forum. i dont want her to see it!